From the Pastors Desk | ||
The Body | The Mind of Christ | Lesson 6 |
For ActivitiesManchaca Bible Fellowship | Nov-7-99 | For Bible LessonsOperation Outreach |
Having the "mind of Christ", or being occupied with Christ does not mean we will not be interested or keenly aware of our work, family, cars, computers, dolls or even sports. Having the mind of Christ does mean, we will see all those things as Christ sees them. To have the mind-set of the Spiritual, instead of the mind-set of the carnal does not mean that we will walk around with some strange "spiritual" look, with our eyes at half-mast and totally disconnected from the realities of physical life. Christ is keenly interested and infinitely aware of all the details of life. Christ's perspective of the details of life goes far beyond the physical and temporal, and He sees these details in light of the Spiritual and eternal. Too often, we see a multitude of people as an annoyance, or maybe as a business opportunity, etc. Our human view of the multitude or any detail of life is very limited and usually self-serving. Christ saw the multitude and was moved with compassion, because they had no eternal direction, and were like sheep without a shepherd. Christ's view or the "Mind of Christ" is a multi-dimensional perspective. The "view" from the mind of Christ sees physical things in a far greater and intense panorama than can possible be seen from the human mind. Having the mind of Christ does not mean, we will be disconnected from the details of life. It means that our connection with the things of the world will be evaluated as to their long term and Spiritual value, instead of how the things of this world can bring self and instant gratification. Sad to say, this matter of self and instant gratification is one of the main motives for many when it comes to religious activities. "What's in it for me and mine" is the theme chorus of so many, when it comes to church and religious activity. Having our minds set on the Spirit, instead of the carnal does mean that all we say and do will be for the glory of Christ, instead of the glory of self.
We know from experience, and the Word of God that anything done through human means cannot be spiritual. Therefore, if we are to do all things to the glory of God, we will have to do them by means of a different power than human power .
Before we became Believers, while we were still "dead" in trespasses and sins, everything we did was by the "power" of the spirit who was at work in our lives as the "sons of disobedience".
If there had been written instructions, given by the
"prince and power of the air" (Satan), for the
"sons of disobedience" to follow, those
instructions paralleling the Biblical instructions of "Therefore, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to glory of the ‘prince of the power of the air'." Of course, Satan did not need to write instructions for us, the sons of disobedience, to follow. When we are walking in the flesh (either as a carnal Believer or as an unsaved person), we can do NOTHING else but... do all to the glory of the prince of the power of the air. It is Satan's power and only Satan's power working in, and controlling the sons of disobedience. Therefore, if we are to do anything to the glory of God, there will have to be another power at work in our lives.
Keep As well as these spiritually depraved and degrading powers (Satan's and Old Sin Nature OSN), Believers have the power of God at work in their lives. All three of these "powers" want to, and can control our lives and thinking. God's power cannot be in control when either or both of the other powers (Satan's, OSN) are controlling. BUT one of these three (Satan's, OSN or God's) powers will be in control at all times. The power controlling our thoughts also controls our conduct, and the demonstration of that inner power is either through the "Fruit of the Spirit", or the "Works of the Flesh".
In this relationship with God, God willingly provides His power to make us what we should be in Christ. This "in-working" of God's power is not for our personal gain, but for the glory of God. In a proper relationship human, we give ourselves willingly for the benefit of the other, as God has done in our Spiritual relationship.
However, in this spiritual relationship with God (as it
should be in our human relationships), we are not to use
that power, so freely given by God, for our own benefit. As we see in Notice something else in the relationship of the Believer and God that should be true in our human relationships. EVEN though all that God does, in our relationship, is for our benefit, He never dominates the Believer or tries to manipulate the Believer through threats or intimidations. A dominating or manipulating type of relationship would be imposed mental and emotional slavery! That was the type of relationship we had with the prince and power of the air before salvation. In our relationship with Christ (as it should be in our human relationships), Christ gives us liberty or freedom to do that which is right. Christ never dominates or forces an issue. That will change when we each meet Him as Judge. Then there will be no choice, freedom or liberty. In this relationship with Christ, He also provides the "power" to live those things which are right. Likewise, in our relationships with others, we are to use our God given gifts for the betterment of the others in the relationship. We should NEVER be a "leech" in our relationships. A leech draws from its subject for its OWN benefit. We should receive personal benefit from a relationship, BUT only by God's means:
If your relationship is one of domination through threats or intimidation, whether its a marriage relationship or any other, that relationship is not being experienced by the power of God! Therefore, it is either by the power of the OSN or of the Devil. If your relationship is either of OSN or Satan, don't expect any Spiritual blessing from it. Before we move on, we need to establish a fact that is obvious in both of these relationships:
Notice in both of these, the power that was working, was working IN (not on) the person. If the work of either Satan or God is to be seen externally, the human will have to demonstrate that "power" through their living or conduct. For the unsaved, it is a very natural and easy thing to demonstrate, externally, the power of the spirit that's at work in them. The fallen depraved human nature is a natural conduit or channel for the demonstration of Satan's power, seen in the "works of the flesh".
If any of these works are "evident" in your life and your relationships, then they are NOT of God.., they ARE of Satan. You may wipe your brow as you read, and say, "Whew! I'm not engaged in adultery, murders, drunkenness, etc. Therefore, I'm home free." It is true, we may not be involved in the "biggie" sins, but what about some of the other "works of the flesh"?? We Christians have a real "knack" for picking out a few overt sins that we are not involved with, and ignoring the many that are resident in our lives. Let's see if we can "hit" some of the sins we are involved with.
Do you ever use this type of quarreling or disputing to get your way? If so..., it is not of God, it is of Satan!! God's way of changing a person or gathering a person into the Spiritual corral.. is through "transformation", NOT "manipulation". Manipulation is of Satan, and is in the category of the works of the flesh. You can "crowd" a person into a corner, or corral them in your mental and emotional "confinement". However, that manipulation will not change or transform that "corralled" person. I have crowded many a cow into a confinement called a corral. I have done a lot of things to those confined cows, most for their benefit. I have given them shots, de-horned them and lot of other things, BUT they are still the same ‘ol cow with the same ‘ol disposition as before I confined them.
Let's test another outward demonstration in our
lives to see which "power" generated that action.
The Holy Spirit mentions another demonstration of the works
of the flesh in
Surely, none of us would have any of these "outbursts of wrath" blazing up from our inward indignation. BUT just in case you know of someone else who has "outbursts of wrath".., you now know these do not come from God's power "that works in us". Therefore, these "outbursts of wrath" must come from the power of "the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience". It is pretty easy to tell which power is in control of our lives by simply looking at what type of actions and attitudes we are demonstrating on the outside.
Certainly, Believers would never be involved in causing factions or a crisis.., so they could win followers through this type of rivalry?! I know (I think) that none of us would be involved in this type of "selfish ambition". BUT just in case something like this would happen somewhere else.., you can be assured that it is not of God, but of Satan. I don't get embroiled in the controversy of..: "Can a Christian be possessed by a demon?" I don't know. The Bible does not tell us. What I might think on the subject is of no real value. However, if the spirit, who now works in the sons of disobedience, is controlling the actions and conduct of a Believer so that the works of the flesh are manifested in what they are doing.., I would have to conclude that if Satan is not possessing that Believer, THEN Satan is certainly controlling that Believer. As we continue our study of becoming and making disciples, we find that IF we want to be a "true" disciple, it will require discipline or chastening. This discipline or chastening comes in many forms, far too many to look at each in detail. Our major focus is on the discipline that comes through God's "power" within, the "power" of the Word of God, and the organized body of Believers. In each of these areas our major concern is the responsibility of the individual Believer to the discipline provided by these three areas. We know from experience, and the Bible is very clear that NO discipline is joyous at the time it is experienced, but AFTERWARDS yields the peaceable fruits of righteousness or holiness. This outward evidence or "fruit" of righteousness and/or holiness is only experienced by those who have been trained by that discipline.
Note carefully these three things!! 1. The production of this peaceful fruit of righteousness takes time. 2. We have to be willing to AND be trained as a disciple, if we are EVER to experience this peaceful fruit of righteousness. OR if those things are not true..,
3. There will be NO
"peaceable" fruit of righteousness, only
rebellion, bitterness, blame, etc.., AND a "fearful" anticipation
of the fiery indignation of God ( Discipline is not an end in itself. It is a means to the end of righteousness or holiness being demonstrated in our conduct, or here referred to as the fruit of righteousness. The fruit is the outward evidence of the inner nature. We have spent time looking at the aspects of the Christian life in which we are instructed how we should live, AND in which we are shown how we can live. This matter of becoming a disciple takes on various forms, and is never a completed process this side of eternity. We want to change our main focus, from that type of training, to two other aspects of becoming a disciple. Both of these aspects are referred to in most English Bibles by the term "partaker". However, much of the information concerning these areas is given to us in the context of terms other than "partaker". In our study, we have already seen many facts that apply directly to this process of becoming a "partaker". I will draw heavily on that information ALREADY given. Let's look again at some verses and definitions we've seen earlier in this study. This is just in case you have forgotten, and if you haven't forgotten, this will "stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance" .
Briefly and incompletely..., this aspect of bringing God's holiness into our living and conduct is by association with, or being a partner with Christ THROUGH the Word of God. There is MUCH more in this type of "partaking" than is wrapped up in that short statement, but this will give us a "handle" to hang on to. I only want to remind you of this aspect, so we may associate and compare it with the other type of "partaking" presented in the Word of God. This partnership or companionship type of "partaking" is referred to in MANY places throughout the Word of God. One passage that may bring clarity is....
We can't spend any more time in this area, or we will not be able to finish this lesson. Let's move on to the other type of "partaking".
From the base of this Greek word, we get such words as "Metamorphisis", "Metabolism" and many more. Both Spiritual "metabolism" and "metamorphism" are important in the process of becoming like Christ. These two areas work hand in hand as Believers demonstrate holiness in their conduct. However, for convenience of study, we will look at them separately. The area of "metabolism" has to do with continuing Spiritual health and growth. This area will be addressed later in the series.
It is the area of "metamorphisis" that we want to
direct our attention for the next few lessons. Metamorphisis
involves a Spiritual form of "transformation",
while at the same time the Believer experiences Spiritual
"growth". Our passage in
Being "transformed", having the mind of Christ, having the mind-set of the Spirit, etc. are all wrapped up in the same package, and can't really be separated one from the other. Our concentration for the rest of this lesson is on HOW we are transformed. You certainly DO NOT have to know HOW it works, to have holiness in your conduct. However, most of you have an analytical mind-set, therefore knowing the process will be both helpful and interesting.
Holiness is not a set of actions we perform, or things we are not to do. Holiness is an acquired attitude that permeates and affects every thought and action of the life. Holiness is using the "Mind of Christ", as one's own to see, evaluate and choose every thought and action. How can that be?!?!? Well, that "critter" called a computer that all of us use many times a day, even if we don't know we are using one of them, can help us understand this Spiritual phenomena. |
On this computer disk I have in my hand, you will find the wonderful graphic you see on this page, which was created with my own hands. You can save your applause for some other time. The point is that "both" words and a graphic are on this disk. |
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However, that's not really true......!!! |
I don't care how long you look at this disk. I don't care how many pair of glasses you might use. You will not find either the words for the insert, or this graphic on this disk. The only things you'll find on this disk is a bunch of codes and gibberish, that to the normal eye and mind means less than nothing. |
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However, when I put this disk in the computer, and use the proper operating system and the appropriate application program, anyone with average intelligence can both read the information found in the insert and see the graphic. The "key" here is, if you want to see what's on this disk, you must see it through the "eyes" or the "mind" of the computer. You can't bypass the operating system of the computer, and use the operating "program" of your own mind. When we allow the "Mind of Christ" to be our personal"Operating System".., we will see the details of life as God sees them. That, by the way, is the process of "faith" which is the "program" we are to use for living in a godly manner while in this godless world. We're setting up two web sites. One for the activities of the church, the other for Bible Study. I might add they are coming along very nicely. I said "we" are setting up two web sites. I used that term "we" very loosely, BECAUSE I don't have the foggiest idea what "we" are doing to set them up. Trey or Eric get that "computer nerd stare", and try to tell me what they are doing to get the web site up and going. At that point, I just say don't waste your time! I don't understand what you are talking about. Just tell me what I need to do to get the lessons ready to go on the web. I don't need to know HOW it works, all I need to do is use it. If the program is set up right, it will do the rest, EVEN if I don't know how it works.
OK!! Now I can begin to understand a little of HOW it works,
BUT how do I "down-load" this Mind of
Christ, so it will be my personal "Operating
System"? Now we're getting someplace!!
That's what our passage in You really don't have to "down load" this Mind of Christ.., that happened at Salvation. As a Believer, the mind of Christ came with the whole "Salvation Package". Now..., what we need to do is "install", into our thinking, God's program of the mind of Christ. We must make sure our disk (our mind) is properly formatted before we attempt to "click" install.
To make the Mind of Christ a reality in my thinking, I
need to be "transformed into the same image from glory
to glory" (
According to the use of the term "mirror" in these verses, the indication is that something is being reflected from the mirror to the vision of the one looking into the mirror.
The other type, or use of "mirror" is seen in
For those in the Tuesday Night Class, you know what it means to be in the "middle voice". If your are not in the Tuesday Night Class, you are missing some great teaching that will be valuable in future Bible study. Quite often the immediate context will clearly indicate the voice of a verb. That is especially true with the active and passive voices. Because English doesn't have a middle voice, sometimes the immediate context in English does not project clearly the import of the middle voice from the Greek. In the middle voice, the subject is acting in some way on itself or on behalf of itself. In this passage, the subject (the Believer) is to reflect the glory. By beholding that reflection, the Believer is transformed from one degree to another degree of glory. The process will have to wait until the next lessons. If we will follow God's instruction, we will not see an image, in this "mirror", of what some person thinks Christ might look like. INSTEAD, we will be transformed into that same image from glory to glory.
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 11-7-99 |