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From the Pastors Desk | |
Tabernacle | Taking Temptation Seriously | Lesson 56 |
Activities Manchaca Bible Fellowship |
21 March 2004 | Bible Lessons Operation Outreach |
1 Corinthians 10:5 In today's lesson, I want to finish what we started in the last lesson, and introduce what we will be doing in lessons to come. It will only be an introduction, because next week is "Parent and Children Dedication". Then the next Sunday is Palm Sunday and as a normal rule Easter Sunday follows Palm Sunday. So, we will be away from our series for a few weeks. Thank you for your kind remarks concerning last weeks lesson. Since you were either here last week, or had the opportunity to read the lesson sent by Email, or both, I will not be doing any extensive review. There is a great deal of ground to cover in this lesson, so
let's wade right in. The subject of this lesson is somewhat sandwiched by the account of the "bad stuff" that Israel did while
in the wilderness (
1 Corinthians 10:5-11 Our subject for today is…
"Therefore let him who
In preparation for a series of lessons given at the Tue Nite Bible class some time ago, I read some accounts of the Reformation. I had read most of those stories before, but as I refreshed them in my mind, I was amazed, once again, at how many of the greatest and mightiest saints of the past have, at times, succumbed to temptations through the wiles of the devil. There was Calvin. He had a sharp theological mind and developed a pattern for systematic Bible study that has been used for years. Yet, you would not have wanted Calvin as your pastor, because he was extremely stern in disposition, cold in his relationships, cruel in his dealings, and legalistic in his practices. There was also, Martin Luther with his robust faith and courage beyond measure. Luther could stand before emperors and kings to defend his faith without faltering. However, he could also be vulgar, angry, and totally human in his rage against his enemies, and even fellow Believers in Christ. I stand in awe of these and many like them who have preserved the very existence of Christianity, as we know it today. Yet, they were human, just as we are. God used these and many like them in spite of their humanity. So, the question of the day is "How is your Christian stability? Do not think that you have it made, with little possibility of falling Spiritually?" In our Christian walk, we are up against tough ruthless enemies, the world, Satan and not the least, our own nature. Any one of these enemies can trip us, and trap us. The greatest enemy we have, as far as temptation and failure is concerned, is our own NATURE. James 1:13 James 5:17 Most temptations come from within,
from our human nature as we see
James 1:13-15 1 Corinthians 10:11
Let him who
This type of Spiritual presumption is a real "bummer" to real Christian living. Over and over again, we are warned in Scripture not to place confidence in the flesh or fleshly things. There are many causes of this false presumption of a personal ability to stand in the face of testing. Some of these causes are from without the person and some are within. Please allow me to suggest some of those causes. (1) A low opinion (whether expressed or internalized) of the value of Spiritual living. Our convictions are too shallow. No matter how high our opinion of the Christlike Life may be, that high opinion falls short of it REAL value. Our personal value system is demonstrated by our enthusiasm and consistency in living for those values and defending them. Allow me to illustrate: Do we really and truly believed that unless a person accepts Christ as their Savior, they will die and go to a Christless eternity in the Lake of Fire? Do we really and truly believed that, for the Believer, death is absence from the body and presence with the Lord? Were the If so, If it were true, BUT it is not, however, for the sake of illustration, if it were true that if a person was burned at the stake or hung on a cross for their faith in Christ, and through that martyrdom, one terrorist would be won to Christ and saved from the fires of hell FOR each drop of blood shed and each ounce of flesh burned… Would YOU be willing to give We often say that we wish we could be like the Apostle Paul. Well, if you have such a desire, then be it known that the Apostle Paul was willing to do just as our illustration presented, and more. Romans 9:3 Our faith in Christ does not require that we be burned at the stake or hung from a cross ---- YET! God does not ask such from many of his followers. However, Christ does desire, with great passion, something from EACH one who has put their faith and trust in Him as Savior. This request of Christ's is FAR more difficult to grant than if He has ask us to enter into martyrdom. This request is so difficult that very few in this audience will be willing to give their whole heart to the task of fulfilling it. As a matter of fact, some not only will not try to fulfill Christ request, they will do all they can to make sure that Christ's request is NOT fulfilled. John 17:20 No, at least not yet, we are not ask to give our lifeblood so the world will KNOW about God's love demonstrated in sending His Son as Savior of the world. Some of us would far rather give our bodies to be burned, than to give up our self-pride, to establish unity. As a matter of fact, some, even this past week, were doing things and saying things that discouraged unity and promoted disunity in the local body and therefore in the universal Body of Christ. Proverbs 6:16 We have heard these facts so often and are so calloused to their truth and the love of God, that when this truth is spoken again from the Word of God, many turn away from it. Oh! May God help us to respond now, so we can be spared at the judgment. Can we place too great a price on heaven? Can we serve God too much? His Son gave himself for our sins? I fear that most of us have a very low opinion of the value of Spiritual living, and our convictions are too shallow. Our convictions are limited to what feels good to us.
Let him who
Some of the reasons for this warning are..: (1) A low opinion (whether expressed or internalized) of the value of Spiritual living. Our convictions are too shallow. (2) Frivolous concepts of sin will propagate presumptuous attitudes of self-sufficiency. When we first came to know Christ as Savior, our hearts were so very tender, that we often shuttered at the slightest sin. New Believers have a holy timidity, a reverent fear of offending God and sometimes that fear gets a little boisterous. What a fresh breath of Spiritual refreshment are the reactions of New Believers. But alas! Like the sensitive young plants of spring (that we see all around us), they too soon become bruised and hardened by the hot winds of Summer. It is so sad to see young tender Christian become calloused to the awfulness of sin. Little by little, that tender heart is no longer startled by sins that once made the blood run cold. Now those same things are given only a passing glance. Little by little, we get used to sin and sinning. At the first church we served, our house was next to a railroad track. At first, the sound of the trains disturbed our activities and sleep. However, with the passing of time, our senses got used to the sound, and we really didn't even notice the noise. I fear, that sometimes our Isaiah 5:20 If our opinion of Spiritual living is shallow, and our concept of sin is frivolous, we have destroyed the foundation upon which we can stand. Therefore, we are sure to fall!!! Some are, even right now, trying to stand on shifting sand as though it were a solid rock.
Let him who
Some of the reasons for this warning are..: (1) A low opinion (whether expressed or internalized) of the value of Spiritual living. Our convictions are too shallow. (2) Frivolous concepts of sin will propagate presumptuous attitudes of self-sufficiency. (3) A presumption of self-sufficiency in our worldly prosperity, or our passionate desire to have it. 1 Timothy 6:17 1 Timothy 6:9 We could (and have in the past) spend time on this subject. However, for this lesson, I believe the Scriptures are sufficient for those who want to hear, and for those who do not want to hear, no amount of human words will penetrate such Spiritual deafness. Allow me to add just these thoughts. This "desire" or lust has become too normal for most American Christians. Therefore, we spurn the command of Scripture saying, "Having food and raiment… let us therewith be content". If we cannot be content with the necessities of life, we will never be content, even if we gain all the excesses of life. God does not condemn a person for being rich or striving to gain riches. God condemns our poor attitude toward what He has provided. God condemns the transfer of our love and allegiance from Himself, to earthly things. Let him who Some of the reasons for this warning are..: (1) A low opinion (whether expressed or internalized) of the value of Spiritual living. Our convictions are too shallow. (2) Frivolous concepts of sin will propagate presumptuous attitudes of self-sufficiency. (3) A presumption of self-sufficiency in our worldly prosperity, or our passionate desire to have it. (4) Pride may very well be the "mother" of all reasons why we so easily fall when faced with temptations. Proverbs 16:18
1 Timothy 3:4 "ol man" time has snuck up on us. I am going to give you some passages, even though there is no time for comment on them. Which for many will be a blessing. Please, allow the Holy Spirit to minister these passages to your lives. Hebrews 12:13 Hebrews 4:1 Colossians 2:4 2 Peter 3:17 2 John 1:8 |
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 2004 |