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From the Pastors Desk | |
Tabernacle | The Whole Truth | Lesson 50 |
Activities Manchaca Bible Fellowship |
8 February 2004 | Bible Lessons Operation Outreach |
Isaiah 28:9 If we had the time to study the context of this passage, we would learn a great deal about the future restoration of Israel. As with many passages, this passage has an immediate application for Israel, at the time it was given, and a principle that applies to all times for all people. In the immediate context, the rulers and most of the people had turned away from God. Not only had they turned away from God, they had turned to reveling and intoxication. So much so, that God was asking the questions -- Who are the prophets going to teach and who will understand what they teach? It was so bad that the only ones left, who had not destroyed their reasoning ability through drunkenness and reveling, were the children, who were too young to enter into such activities. Therefore, the rhetorical question is ask, Who can we teach? The children who have just been weaned?
The answer to such a rhetorical question is "No. We
can't teach the infants, BECAUSE orFOR…
Isaiah 28:10 Those individual bits of God's truth, referred to here as "lines", and those organized thoughts of truth called "precepts", were given at different times and in different places. Therefore, it takes an ability to think and stick with it, to put those lines upon the other lines and those precepts upon other precepts.., in order to see and comprehend God's great plan. That was true in Isaiah's day, and it is equally true in this day and age. This problem of perceiving God's eternal truth (the truth that was given peace-meal over time, a line here and a line there and a precept here and precept over there), is compounded because, as God said, most people will not endure sound doctrine. 2 Timothy 4:1 The commission is to "preach the Word", Paul, a great teacher, taught Timothy, who himself was a very good preacher. Yet, Paul warns Timothy that the time will come when those being taught would not endure sound doctrine. Instead, they will reach out to teachers who teach in a manner that satisfies their own desires. As a result, they will turn from the truth to fables.
1 Corinthians 2:1 Paul could speak as a persuasive orator. His great desire was to teach in the same manner as the Holy Spirit teaches. Paul wanted to teach as the Holy Spirit teaches so that their faith, AND ours would NOT be in the wisdom of men BUT in the power of God. The Bible does not leave us in the dark as to the method the Holy Spirit uses. That method should also be the model for all other Biblical teachers. The teaching style of each should be different, BUT the method should be the same. 1 Corinthians 2:11 We are to take the precept given in one book and place it on or fit it to the precept given in another book. We are to take the "one liners" given in this chapter and compare it with the "one liners" given elsewhere. We are to continue to gather and sort the information given throughout the Bible, and make sure that each piece fits with the next, and that each conclusion is in harmony with the whole. If we have not compared all Scripture with all Scripture and rightly divided it, we CANNOT see the whole picture of God's redemption, and our teaching will only be the teaching of men, NOT the precepts of God. In the last lesson, I tried to demonstrate this truth by a very elementary drawing. They say a picture is worth a 1000 words. Please, do not put a "value" on this picture. Just look at it and smile, thereby humoring an old man. I do hope the TRUTH that this picture illustrates will be burned into our minds, and that the TRUTH will be a guiding principle in our Bible study and understanding.
Then, allow the box to the left to illustrate how God revealed, to mankind, over time, the information concerning His redemption program. That information was given in bits and pieces at different time and places.
God did not choose this method of revelation, so we would have "busy-work". We will look at some of the reasons for this type of revelation, in later lessons. 1 Corinthians 10:5 11 Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, on whom the ends of the ages have come. 12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. 13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 2 Timothy 2:14
As we follow the story of Israel in the wilderness, there
are several actions and attitudes that give us a
summation of all their failures. The Holy Spirit points to this
summation here in
v.10 1 Corinthians 10:6
(1) Should not lust or be
possessed by greed
v.6 1 Corinthians 10:7
(2) Should not place any thing or any person above God
v.7 1 Corinthians 10:8
(3) Should not be engaged in improper sexual activities
v.8 1 Corinthians 10:9
(4) Should not tempt Christ
v.9 1 Corinthians 10:10
(5) Should not murmur
These examples are for our admonition. 1 Corinthians 10:11
As we study these examples and their Spiritual truths for us today, we will be taught and admonished to make some major and some minor correction is our manner of living. The tabernacle and its services are shadows, given by God so we can better understand..:
The Passover is a divine The Passover is the "starting gate" of all that follows in the recorded history of the Jewish people. Often, a spectator thinks that the race begins when the horses are in the "starting gate" or the runners are in the "starting blocks" and the signal is sounded "to go". However, the events that take place before the starting gun and away from the public eye are as important, and sometimes more important to winning or losing than the start, itself. Obviously, the months and sometimes years of training and preparation for the race are important. Also, the events, distractions, warm-ups and mental attitude of the racers, as they approach starting time, can make the difference between winning by a tenth of a second, or losing. It is also important to understand that God's plan and Person are eternal and do not change. God was not different in the Old Testament than He is in the New Testament. God did not "grow-up" and mature with the passing of time. God's outward actions towards mankind may differ with time, BECAUSE His plan is in a different phase of completion. You don't get to really know a person by reading a list of facts about that person. You get to know a person by being with them in all types of situations, talking to them about all types of subjects, observing their reactions in all kinds of circumstances, etc. If we are to know God, we must do more than know lists made by humans about God. If we are to know God, we must know more than some person's presentation of their systematic theology. We are human and God is divine, and the two have no common ground, nor can the human mind understand or perceive Spiritual truth or the person of God, Himself. Therefore, through the redemptive program, particularly the aspect of New Birth, God has provided the common ground or "link" so that we have the capacity of knowing Spiritual truth, and entering into a personal relationship with God, Himself. Our Salvation or New Birth becomes ours through no meritorious effort of our own. However, to learn and understand Spiritual truth and enter into a personal relationship with God does require certain actions and attitudes on our part. Those actions and attitudes, that enable us to enter into the Spiritual realm, are NOT Spiritually meritorious of themselves. Those actions and attitudes are simply acts of obedience to God's instructions and provision. 2 Peter 1:2 Therefore, if we want to God does not change in His person. However, God's plan is progressive. Therefore, there is advancement in that plan. As a result, the manner of interaction between God and mankind is different, in the different stages of God's plan. As we see and understand the totality of the plan, we will see that the plan has real logic beyond the thinking of mankind. Because God's plan is "progressive", and the information about His plan has been given at different times, in different places and in different ways, we must understand that the complete revelation from God is "ACCUMULATIVE". Therefore, we must bring together, the many different bits of information, given at different times and make sure that those "bits" match the revealed progression of God's plan. Look briefly at a few passages and see the progressive aspect of God's plan, and how the different phases and the information accumulate and harmonize to give the picture. Matthew 5:17 Romans 8:3 1 Peter 1:10 Folks, if we don't carefully distinguish between the past, present and future aspects of our redemption, we will draw some of the strangest conclusions, and therefore, we will have some of the strangest attitudes and actions. This fact is true, no matter the amount or type of education, experience or how long a person has been in the ministry. The teacher may have a great style of presentation, and say many good things, BUT the fact is still true… If we do not careful distinguish between these different aspects of Redemption, it will influence our theological stand and we may find ourselves standing contrary to the Word of God. If we don't make such distinctions, we will more than likely turn to allegorical type interpretation of the Scriptures.
It is also important to understand that God's plan is carried out in stages, and that each stage is inseparately a part of the total, and no one stage can be fully understood without a clear understanding of all stages -- in harmony. Therefore, the revelation from God must be 2 Timothy 2:14 It is also important to understand that God and His plan are in perfect unity. No passage of the Word of God will contradict any other passage. No action of God will be untrue to His essence. Therefore, the revelation from God will be in Galatians 3:16 The Holy Spirit through Paul tells us that no information given in any stage, first to last, can be in conflict with any other information. Some information, such as the "Mosaic Covenant" was given for a purpose, and that purpose was for a specified length of time. In this case, the specified time period was -- until the "Seed" came. We learn from other passages that when Christ, the "Seed", came, He fulfilled the contract or the "Mosaic Covenant". Because the terms of the covenant or contract were fulfilled, that covenant was no longer binding, and became only "examples" and "shadows" to aid in our Spiritual learning and living. |
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 2004 |