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From the Pastors Desk | |
Tabernacle | Putting the Pieces Together | Lesson 49 |
Activities Manchaca Bible Fellowship |
1 February 2004 | Bible Lessons Operation Outreach |
In our present study,our "baseline" is the book of Exodus, commonly referred as the "Book of Redemption" The storyline for most of the Old Testament is that God promised Redemption through a very special Descendent, often referred to as "The Seed" or "The Messiah", Etc. Most of the Biblical accounts of God's redemption and His promised fulfillment centers around one family. That one family was Abraham and his descendants, known as the Israelites. God reveals the plan and extent of His redemptive program for mankind, stage by stage. To Adam and Eve there was a simple and somewhat confusing promise of the Redeemer, but few details as to Who He would be, how He would come, when He would come or the extent of the redemptive program. More and more details, of this eternal plan, were given as time progressed. This was not because God was planning on the "fly", BUT because this type of revelation was part of God's wisdom and plan. Let's take a look back to the first time humans were told about this redemption, and then focus our attention on the consummation of the redemptive program. In that way, I trust we can have another bird's eye concept of our study of Israel in the Wilderness and the Tabernacle. Genesis 2:15 Even before sin, God's instruction to mankind It was, as it always had been. God does the impossible and mankind is to do the possible. However, mankind DID and still DOES have a responsibility in the redemptive process. That human responsibility is non-meritorious, and the human activity connected with that responsibility does not and can not produce holiness. The human responsibility is, simple obedience to God's Word. Over and over again in the Scriptures, we find the "If - Then" phrase. IF they obeyed, THEN they had Spiritual life and/or blessings. IF they disobeyed, THEN they died Spiritually and/or lost the blessings. (This reference to "dying Spiritually" is not directed to our "New Birth", that is eternal) God has always supplied ALL that mankind needs to be Spiritual. If God didn't supply all the Spiritual quality, there could not be any Spiritual quality at all. However, for mankind there is always the "IF - THEN" phrase. IF we obey, THEN we receive the Spiritual blessing as a gift. IF we disobey, THEN we receive only what the flesh can provide, and we remain outside the realm of the Spiritual blessings. Genesis 3:1 Even before sin, Satan's tactics were and always have been to cast doubt on the accuracy of God's Word. "Did God really mean what He said?" Satan's methods have never changed, nor has the reason for the failure of mankind to live according to the Word of God. Notice vs 6. "SO when the woman SAW…" God gave us eyes to see, ears to hear, and they sure come in handy. Our human senses can and should be used to live and properly exist in this physical world, BUT the moment we substitute the human sensory system and logic for the pure Word of God, in the matter of Spiritual things, we will ALWAYS draw the wrong conclusion. That fact was true in regard to Eve's "Systematic Theology" in the Garden, and it is equally true today. Genesis 3:8 Sin ALWAYS keeps us from the "presence" of God. Sin separates man from God, and God from man. God was willing and able to come to the presence of man, because the penalty for Adam's sin had ALREADY been paid. The Bible tell us that Christ was the "lamb" or sacrifice for sin "slain before the foundation of the worlds". How could that be??? After all, Christ did not die on the Cross for another 6 - 9 thousand years after Adam's sin. Oh, that's an easy answer. In this day and age, we can grasp this wonderful truth of God's great plan of redemption, far better than they could in the Old Testament. Many of us buy things long before we pay for them. Titus 1:1 Long before time began, in what I like to call the "Eternal Life Conference", the Godhead made a plan for and a promised of a redemptive plan for humanity, even though mankind had not been created, NOR had they sinned, thereby causing the need for redemption. At that Eternal Life Conference, the Second Person of the Trinity became God's Elect to be the One sent, or the Messiah to provide redemption. Isaiah 42:1 The promise was made by God, through Jesus Christ for redemption from sin, to righteousness in Christ, in a similar manner as when we present a credit card to make a purchase. In our credit card transaction, the price of the purchase is taken care of, BUT we really haven't paid anything for that purchase UNTIL the due date on the credit card bill. In a similar manner, God atoned for the sins of the whole world, before the worlds were formed. Yet, the price for the sins of the whole world was not "paid" until Christ died on the cross. 1 John 2:2 As we see in Titus 1:1-3 Galatians 4:4 God planned and assured redemption before time began. Then after time began, "in the fullness of time", Christ came. There is yet another phase of this redemptive program that will take place at a future time. This coming phase will take place in the future "in the fullness of time", in like manner as Christ's coming was just at the right time. This coming phase is called the ADOPTION. Hang in there, we will look at this phase a little more later in the lesson. Ephesians 1:3 Let's bring these scattered bit of information into a smaller package, before we continue on in Genesis.
Back to the account in Genesis. We'll pick up the story after God pronounced the curse on Adam and questioned Eve as to her part in this transaction of sin. God then turns His attention to the serpent, BOTH as an animal and as Satan, who had used the body of the serpent to talk to Eve. Genesis 3:14 In this rather obscure and clouded statement, God puts into action this Plan of Redemption that had its beginning before the foundations of the world, and will not be completed until this world passes away and the new earth and new heaven are brought to pass by God in the future. From Adam to Christ, humans were given little snippets of information concerning this redemptive program. It was not until Christ's death on the Cross, as the redemptive price for the sins of mankind, that God gave any real understandable outline of the events of this Plan of Redemption, that was conceived and assured before the foundation of the worlds. Ephesians 3:1 In the ages from Adam to Christ, a great deal of information was given about redemption. However, that information was given a little bit here and there, to this person and to that person. Even the prophets, who proclaimed this information directly from God, did not understand what they were giving, or the time sequence of those events. 1 Peter 1:10 Romans 8:12 In the first part of this passage, Paul by the leading of the Holy Spirit gives us information on how we should live between two of the phases of this redemptive program. Paul is talking to those who have been part of one phase of redemption, we often call this phase "Salvation" or being "Born Again". He refers to these who have been partakers of this phase of redemption, as "Brethren". It would be helpful to spend some time on these verses, but time, itself, is not that generous. I want to direct your attention to a future phase of the Redemptive Program. In verse 15, Paul speak of the moment of our Salvation or New Birth, and says at that time we receive the Spirit of adoption. We know by context and other passages that this is a reference to the Holy Spirit. Because we have this Spirit, we can call God, "Abba Father". We can only claim God as our Father, because we have been Born Again into the Family of God. Don't confuse this "Adoption" with the very admirable practice of present day adoption. The Adoption, referred to in this passage, was a custom of the upper class Romans. It was a time when their male child was openly declared to be a full fledged son with all the privileges of close partner in business. As we establish the Biblical facts of this yet future event, for those who are in Christ, look at the essence of the facts presented by the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:4![]() In the Ephesians 1 (1) Predestined to the ADOPTION AS SONS Even though this adoption is a yet future event, as we will see in a little while, it shows that EVEN in the planning and first phase of redemption that took place before the foundation of the world, God had thoroughly planned and determined all aspects of His redemptive program, including all future events. Galatians 4:4 In the Galatians 4 It is difficult, from English, to see if this adoption is received at the time of redemption, or at a future time. We could spend some time showing from the Greek structure that it was intended as a future event. BUT let's not spend our time in that manner today. We can easily establish whether
this was a past or future event, AND we can do it in English. For right now,
let's establish that Galatians 4 (2) We might receive THE ADOPTION AS SONS Romans 8:15![]() The Holy Spirit, through Paul, gives us more information concerning the future aspect of redemption in Romans 8 (3) We received the SPIRIT OF ADOPTION These two passages in Galatians
and Ephesians along with Romans 8 The three main facts, we've seen so far, concerning Adoption are:
Let's look again at the most extensive Biblical portion on this future event of Adoption. Romans 8:16 Please note. Paul, in his presentation, makes a transition from the PAST aspect of redemption (vs 15 "you received.."), to the PRESENT aspect of redemption (vs 17 "if we suffer with Him.."), to a FUTURE aspect of redemption (vs 17 "that we may be glorified together.."). In the whole passage, Paul presents the past, present and future aspects of the redemptive program. From verse 16 on, Paul toggles back and forth from the present/past to the future of redemption. We can't study each phrase, but look at the passage as a whole. The tempo of going from present to future continues until vs 23, when there is the crescendo of this whole presentation. Romans 8:20
Let's review…
Even in sketchy outline form, the redemptive program is extensive and quite complicated. Yet, the Word of God says that as a good workers for God, we will evaluate that information and properly categorize it. God, knowing the complexity of the material and the difficulty of the human mind to perceive Spiritual truth, has given us several "tools" to use to help us evaluate the information and draw proper conclusions. 1 Corinthians 10:5 2 Timothy 2:14 1 Corinthians 2:11 It matters not how many degrees you have, how many doctors of theology are behind your name, or how long you've studied and how much Biblical information you have gained. It does not matter how many books you have written, or how many followers you have to your theories. If you have not compared all Scripture with all Scripture and rightly divided it, you CANNOT see the whole picture of God's redemption, and your teaching will only be the teaching of men, NOT the precepts of God. Let me try to illustrate with a little drawing. All of the little marks in the box below are a part of a picture. Unless a person carefully categorized and harmonized these marks, when they are put together, they will not make the appropriate picture.
In like manner, a person can take the "bits" and "pieces" from the Bible and string them together, and come up with some kind of theology. However, it would not be a proper theology. Unless we have properly placed each "line" and "precept" of the
Scripture in a proper order, we
have only the teaching of
humans, NOT the mind of God.
However, if we don't put the "pieces" of God's Word together properly…, we are playing with the eternal destiny of a soul or many souls. May we each be workmen that do not need to be ashamed, because we have rightly divided the Word of God. |
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 2004 |