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Tabernacle | Murmuring | Lesson 21 |
Activities Manchaca Bible Fellowship |
3 March 2002 | Bible Lessons Operation Outreach |
Please keep in mind that there is a difference
muttering and murmuring.
Every occurrence of "murmuring" or its derivatives found, in the Bible, is used in a negative sense. Not only does the Holy Spirit use it in a negative sense, it is presented as down right unacceptable to God. Just a few examples... Numbers 17:5 God considers murmurings as something very unpleasant, totally unacceptable and something of which He will rid Himself. That should tell us something about the quality of the sin, AND it should spur us on to eliminate murmuring from our own lives, and our church. Psalms 106:24 Notice some of the results of murmuring. Because Israel was in a state of murmuring:
Because Israel was in a state of murmuring, and would not repent of it:
Once again, we see the gravity of this most common action of Believers. Notice the effect on the descendants of these murmurers in the wilderness. We will see this result even more graphically brought out in the next lesson. Jude 1:16
Jude is speaking about murmurers of an earlier time, the time of Enoch. Please forgive the hurried look at this portion. Its truths need extensive comparative study. For this lesson, we need to see some of the basic elements of Biblical murmuring, and the results on the murmurer and others. In these lessons, when we refer to murmuring, it is not a reference to an honest complaint brought to the right source for the best possible resolution. We are talking about conditions and actions, whether deliberate or unknowingly, that are designed to weaken a present order with the intent of establishing another order for personal benefit. A murmurer very seldom wants a proper solution! Murmurers most generally want their "own way" with distinct disregard for the benefit or harm to others. Jude gives us some real insights into the sin of murmuring:
As we can see, the chronic murmurer has some very distinct characteristics. Let me tell you, after about 50 years in this business, it doesn't take much to spot a murmurer. There are some murmurers who simply dabble in this sin of murmuring, just for the fun of it, I guess!?! Then there are those who are dead serious about this business of murmuring, and it is almost a life and death matter. We have both in the Church Universal -- and yes, we have both at MBF. Proverbs 6:16 Keeping in mind Jude's description of a murmurer, let's take a fresh look at this passage in Proverbs. Think for a moment about the last or seventh item mentioned in this list of things that God hates, and are an abomination to Him. To "sow discord" among the brethren (which is the purpose of murmuring), the sower of discord uses the other six to accomplish the purpose of discord. It might help to think of the last item, the sowing of discord, as a "seed pod". Within that "seed
pod" is: (b) A lying tongue (c) The destruction of innocent people (d) One who is always making wicked plans (e) One who will move quickly to any evil or problem (f) One who freely makes false statements Those are the elements of Biblical murmuring, and those are the elements of sowing discord.., AND those are things that God HATES !! We are not talking about a Biblical misdemeanor. We are talking about a Spiritual felony! Let's do a quick review, and then continue on with our God given example. Quite often, the chronic murmurer will have the exterior look of a very spiritual person. These murmurers do religious things, act in religious ways and speak religious phrases, so as to possibly:
I have summarized many of the "causes" of murmuring, and have designated three of the main causes as:
You remember the story that constitutes this Biblical example. God brought the plagues on Egypt. The final plague, the Passover convinced Pharaoh and all of Egypt to let Israel go. God deliberately directed Israel to take the "long way around" to get out of Egypt. We need to see several facts, so that the import of their murmuring and the results can be clearly seen. Notice, over and over again in this passage, it states that their location and their conditions were at the directions of God.
Don't forget the summary of the causes of murmuring:
All three of these causes were evident in the lives of the Israelites, as they stood with the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian army coming upon them from the rear. Their only concern was and always had been their OWN comfort, never the completion of God's plan or the glorification of God's person. Never once did they show or declare their true thankfulness to God for His deliverance from Egypt. They were, however, quick to BLAME Moses for all the difficult things that accompanied freedom.
By the way, ANY freedom has its cost!
There was a total lack of God's Word and the application of that Word in their thoughts and actions. God directed their journey. God led them in a particular path. God went before them by day and by night showing them the way. They had the evidence of the Word of God, they had the clear direction of God's leading, etc. Therefore, you would think that ANY Believer would be content with God's provision in such a situation, and would be praising God instead of murmuring. Tragically, too many of us have only to look in the mirror to see someone who acts and responds in the same manner as these Israelites. Exodus 14:11 Oh, yes!!! There it is again...
Isn't it amazing!! When I am possessed with me, myself and mine.., I can lie, twist the truth and blame everything and everyone for my unpleasant circumstances. However, we so often forget to thank God for what He has provided, fail to trust Him or allow Him to use what He has provided for His glory. Exodus 14:13 Exodus 14:19 WOW !!!! Let me tell you! When they gave the "altar-call" at the
close of that service, everyone came to the front for re-dedication! Look at Exodus 14:30-31 Exodus 14:30 There was a revival that day! The people saw the world for what it was - dead, and they saw that God was working, and had worked even in Egypt. We want to come back to that phrase in just a little while. For a time, Israel gave God proper respect.., and believed God and His servant Moses. By the way both will happen when true revival comes. There will be proper respect for God and for the true servants of God. Look at another fact found in v. 31. It was not until this time that the Israelites really saw what God had done in Egypt, so they could be free. While in Egypt, they were so self-centered that they didn't really see the hand of God at work in the plagues and their rescue from Egypt. They were blaming Moses for the discomfort involved in their deliverance from slavery, instead of praising God for His work. BUT that is a subject for another time. For a short time, Israel's
murmurings ceased, as they turned
their attention away from
their selfish desires to praising God for His wonderful
provision and person. In Exodus 15 I mean to tell you, that praise service would satisfy even the newest of the New Evangelicals. There were dead bodies, there was singing, there was hand raising, there was hand waving, there was hand clapping, there was foot stomping and there was dancing in the aisles. It was a great service! Everyone left that service saying, "Boy! I feel good. The spirit was really in that service!" Now you would think that a service like that, and the participation of the people in all those wonderful activities would set a Spiritual tone that would have changed the nation, and evangelized the world. If a service like the Red Sea experience COULDN'T bring revival and world wide evangelism, What kind of a service will??!!? Experiences only produce change for as along as the circumstances remain favorable to that change. Experiences, in and of themselves, can produce nothing but an experience. Exodus 15:22 Three days later..., and the Israelites were back in their same carnal "rut". They had experienced that wonderful praise service with hand waving, dancing and all that good stuff -- and such a good spirit. BUT they couldn't even make it through the Wednesday night prayer service before they were just as carnal as they were before the Red Sea opened for them, three days earlier. Sounds a lot like modern day New Age Evangelism. God's grace is so wonderful! It was wonderful back the in the wilderness, it was wonderful on the Cross, it was wonderful in the early church and it is still wonderful in this modern wilderness of Austin. God sweetened the waters for them, and made a great offer to them, at the same time. I'm sure you've noticed. Many of God's great promises came in the midst of mankind's worst sinning sprees. Exodus 15:24 I'm sorry, but I can't go by this without "venting" just a little. For as long as I can remember, there has been a doctrine of the demons that keeps popping up in the Bible believing churches, AND the so called Bible believing Christian run after this doctrine of the Devil with great fervor. About every 5 to 10 years or so, a new book is released, and sometimes it is the same book with a new cover The essence of this demonic doctrine is that if you will eat and live like the Israelites in the Wilderness, then you will not have any diseases, and you will be healthy. I don't have the time, nor will I dignify those writings by answering them line by line. I don't know, I guess I'm just getting old and grouchy, BUT I don't have much patience with these stupid presentations, or the equally stupid Christians that run pell-mell after them, and yes, I do mean stupid. Worst of all, it is a deliberate perversion of the precious Word of God. (They tell me it's not nice to call something or someone stupid. Well, when they are, and there is no other English word to describe their condition and actions, I don't know what a person's suppose to do. I guess this is the time to speak in tongues, or at least use "code" words.) This offer of God, to protect them from these diseases, had nothing to do with the Law and the things they could or couldn't eat under the Law. THE LAW WASN'T EVEN GIVEN YET. This has nothing to do with eating habits, the way they dress, or even speaking in "Old King James"!!!!!! This was a contract made with the nation of Israel, not the individual Israelites, and certainly not New Testament Believers. It has to do with only those diseases that God BROUGHT on the Egyptians. Look at the last part of vs 26. This was a Spiritual exercise that has nothing to do with what or how you eat. Look at vs 26, again. This promise had to do with:
WHERE in the world is the "food" that these Biblical "crack-pots" say we should eat to rid ourselves of disease???? Similar promises were made by God, to the nation of Israel, later in their history, also. WHY, are we so willing to leave the clear teaching of the Word of God, and follow an absolute lie of some person, who has twisted the Scripture for personal gain???? Well, that had nothing to do with the lesson of today, BUT I sure feel better. AND I hope you will be very careful. Go back to Scripture, and make sure that what you are following is truly Scripture. If you want to eat and live like the Israelites in the wilderness, that's fine, BUT you will have to find out how to make Manna. These perversions of Scripture just keep coming off the press, because Christians will buy and follow almost anything (EXCEPT the Bible) that tells them what to do. They have even come out with "The Prayer of Jabez for Women". I don't know. Maybe they think Jabez had a life changing operation, or something. No! The real reason is money. They want more, and they know that the Christian herd is ready to spend it. We really ought to heed God's offer. Christ said that if anyone thirst, they should come to Him and drink without cost. We'll come back to our example in the next lesson. For now, please remember that God's grace is great. Israel murmured, and murmured and murmured. Yet, over and over again, God forgave them, picked them up and put them back on the right path I'm sure that many of you have experienced God's grace again and again, many times over. BUT God's patience will not endure forever. We need to remember our example... Psalms 103:7 Hebrews 10:26 |
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 2002 |