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Tabernacle | Sin of Murmuring | Lesson 20 |
Activities Manchaca Bible Fellowship |
February 17 2002 | Bible Lessons Operation Outreach |
Probably no single sin is mentioned more in the Bible, than the sin of "murmuring". The sin of murmuring is not always designated as such, BUT the effect of the sin, whether called murmuring or not, is still the same. In this phase of our study, our major concern is not with general murmurings about the conditions of life. Our concern is with murmurings about Spiritual matters, and their effect on the Spiritual life of the murmurer and the lives of those to whom the murmurer murmurs. Quite often, the chronic murmurer will have the exterior look of a very spiritual person. These murmurers do religious things, act in religious ways and speak religious phrases, so as to possibly: (1) Compensate for the dark cloud of murmuring within their own lives. As observers of and sometimes participants in this sinful phenomenon of murmuring, we NEED to understand that NO amount of good deeds, or even great sacrifices will compensate for the internal and external destructiveness of this sin of murmuring. Look at what the Holy Spirit had to say about this subject of internal vs. external in... 1 Corinthians 13:1 The sin of murmuring or any one of it many "faces" is the opposite of Divine or Spiritual love. Most of us are familiar with at least the first part of 1 Corinthians 13 The Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul makes it abundantly clear that a person can look like or even look better than a good Christian on the outside, BUT if the Spiritual quality is not on the inside, then the exterior look of religiousosity is less than beneficial to the person, or the Body of Christ. Notice the areas of Spiritual demonstration covered by the Holy Spirit in this passage:
You know, most churches would "kill" to have someone with those qualities as their leader. Yet, those qualities, alone, "DO NOT a Spiritual leader make". As wise stewards of the life and gospel of Christ, we need to have a Biblical standard of evaluating the Spiritual quality of our life and others. Christians, in general, are so shallow Spiritually!!!! So many have the diabolical concept that if a person has money, status, and things then it is an obvious confirmation of their Spiritual worth; OR if a person can say the "right" things that "smack" of high religious rhetoric then they must be living a life of dedication to the Word of God; OR if a person gives to others and is willing to sacrifice their own life and living then they must be fully dedicated to God and His purpose. All of those things Notice the divine opinion of these outward evidences when generated from internal motives other than love.
There is nothing wrong with possessing any or all of the above qualities. As a matter of fact, these are VERY good qualities to have. BUT those external demonstrations MUST emanate from internal qualities that are pure and free from self-elevation and personal vindictiveness. If our external actions are not free from the motivation of self-elevation and personal vindictiveness, then the Word of God is clear that those actions are not Divine, BUT demonic. Folks, that is a strong statement, BUT it is way past time for the Church to allow God to purify us, and then we need to get down to the business of real Spiritual living rather than a warmed-over demonstration of worldly living and standards. This "little sin" of Biblical murmuring has been ignored, tolerated and even encouraged by the established church far too long. It is time for judgment to begin in the "House of God". It is time that we carefully examine and accept what God has to say about this "respectable" sin. The best way.., YES, the only way of knowing what God says about this sin, is to examine thoroughly the Word of God on this subject. The problem in doing so, is that it is hard to go anywhere in the Bible without finding references to the act and results of murmuring. A thorough public study of this subject would take more than a full year of lessons. So, instead of doing a complete public study, I want to lay out, in summary form, the overall teaching on the subject. I realize that some will think that this summary must be more than a complete study, but I'm here to tell you, it will only scratch the surface. We see the act and some of the results of Biblical murmuring early in the history of mankind. The English word of "murmuring" is not used in many of the Biblical examples, BUT the fact, reality and results of those accounts give evidence to actions of murmuring. Please, understand that murmuring is not a "stand-alone" sin. It is always practiced in combination with other sins. In like manner, very few sins are committed without collusion with other sins. Lying is very seldom, if ever, just a lie. Lying is used to cover up other sins, or because of anger etc. Likewise with murmuring. Murmuring is a result of a combination of internal and external sins, AND each act of murmuring involves different combinations of sins. Let's look at some of the recorded results of one of the earliest incidents of murmuring. Genesis 4:1 There is no specific order of events that will cause murmuring, but there are many things or combination of things that bring about the sin of murmuring. There will always be one or more of the following involved in murmuring: disobedience; the sense that they didn't get their fair share; total occupation with self and personal happenings or troubles; blaming others; self-justification; etc. I have summarized many of the "causes" of murmuring and have designated three of the main causes as:
Cain did not act in a manner acceptable to God. This is one of the main factors in all of these illustrations. Our actions should be directed by what God says and thinks, NOT what humans say and think. God said, forgive others as I forgive you. God said, don't allow corrupt communication to come out of your mouth. God said, put away bitterness, wrath, anger clamor, etc.
Are you doing what
God said,
or are you acting in the
same manner
as the Israelites in the wilderness?
Instead of accepting what God said, Cain felt that he was right and God was wrong. Those were not his words, but his actions demonstrated this fact, and these are some of the underlying causes of all murmurings. Instead, of seeking to please God with his actions and attitudes, Cain wanted God to please him by accepting his improper actions. Cain became angry, felt sorry for himself, and set out to correct the problem according to his own feelings and purpose. Cain's solution to the problem was of the same type as many of our solutions to similar problems. Cain wanted to remove the source of irritation and conviction, RATHER than to personally change so the source would become a blessing instead of an irritation, and so the conviction could be replaced with obedience to God and acceptance and respect from God. Instead, Cain continued in his own way, and deliberately walked away from the clear revealed Word of God. By the way, Cain said that it was God's fault that he could no longer be in God's presence. Cain NEVER accepted the responsibility for his own actions. Therefore, Cain, those associated with him, and all who would follow him, suffered the consequences of such selfish motivation. When we are in a state of murmuring, our selfish motivation and self-pity are so strong that we do not care or think about God's will, OR the results of our actions on others, including our children. Instead, our lives are lived for the moment, for getting our way, and involving as many others as possible in the process of murmuring so we can be assured of getting our way. As you study the subject of Biblical murmuring, you will see those factors in case after case. If you honestly look at your own or a friends murmuring, you will see these same factors rearing their ugly heads. AND sad to say, MOST would rather walk away from the presence of God, as Cain did, rather than to accept forgiveness, and make the needed personal changes.
A murmurer
wants others to change
so they can have their own way,
regard for the totality of the Body.
Of course, most believers would not kill someone because of these internal struggles and external actions. However, I fear that, in many cases, the only thing that prevents such murders is the fear of public disgrace and jail. Abstaining from murder, in such cases, certainly is not because of their love for God. We could spend the rest of this day and several more looking at the lessons from Cain's actions, but we need to move on. For most of our examples of murmuring, we will look to Israel in the wilderness. We could continue to follow such actions from the conquest of the land, until the time of Christ. We could look at example after example in the Epistles, also. To gain further insights, we will take a peek at some of these other examples and instructions, but our main examples will come from Israel in the wilderness. Exodus 13:17 You remember the story. God brought the plagues on Egypt, and the final plague, the Passover, convinced Pharaoh and all of Egypt to let Israel go. It is at that point the passage in Exodus 13:17-14 We need to see several facts, so the import of their murmuring and the results can be clearly seen. Notice, over and over again in this passage, it states that their location and their circumstances were at the direction of God.
It is important to see the facts in this account and the accounts to follow. If they were there by the direct intervention and will of God, THEN any complaints should have been taken directly to God. 1 Corinthians 10:9 If God allowed the circumstance, then God had a purpose and a way of escape so they could bear the test. Instead of going to God for their way of escape, they turned against God, tempted Christ and murmured. We'll pick-up the story line in a few minutes, but let's go back to the divine commentary of 1 Corinthians 10 We looked at this passage a few lessons ago. I trust the passage continues to take on greater and greater meaning as we see it in relationship to its context. Please note that the well quoted v.13 Certainly, the truth of v.13 I pointed our earlier that the sin of murmuring is not a "stand alone" sin. Murmuring is practiced in combination with other sins, and it is pretty hard to separate one from the others. I'm not sure that it is possible to give murmuring a separate sin classification all of it own. Here in 1 Corinthians 10 1 Corinthians 10:1 Now let's look at some of the context that follows. 1 Corinthians 10:15 We didn't look at all the sins mentioned here, but this whole bundle of sins are all tied together with murmuring. 1 Corinthians 10:9 Saying that all these sins are tied together by murmuring is not really a good description. I don't know how to best picture this truth. Possibly, it would make it clearer to think of all these sins as a piece of cloth, and one of the threads moving in and out to make the pattern is the thread of murmuring. However you think of it, you can't have one without the other. Murmuring against God leads to all kinds of sins, OR possibly practicing all kinds of sins leads to murmuring. Let's go back and observe our example in the wilderness. Exodus 13:17 1 Corinthians 10:13 We established that the Israelites were at the Red Sea by God's appointment and leading. That is clearly seen in Exodus 13:17-14 Well, we also established from 1 Corinthians 10:13-14 Let's go back to Exodus and see the reaction of the Israelites, and I think we will see some parallels to some of our own reactions when under pressure. Exodus 14:1 God was very honest with the people. He told them just what was going to happen. Not only did God tell them what was going to happen, He told them why it was going to happen. Earlier we saw one of the reasons that God brought them to the Red Sea, instead of taking them another way. The first reason was for their benefit. Exodus 13:17 Not only was this path of travel for the benefit of the people, it was also so the Egyptians would truly know that God was really God. Being the Spiritual giants that we are, IF we had been the Israelites at the Red Sea, we would had said, "God, my greatest desire is for You to be honored. Whatever it requires of me for that honor to be Yours...bring it on!!!" That's what we would have said, right?!? After all, God laid it out, in His Own words, exactly what was going to happen and why it was going to happen. Therefore, we know it was God's will, and we know that God uses all things for our ultimate good. It was His purpose and His will. Therefore, IF we had been at the Red Sea, we would have said, "Your will be done." I'm sure that God is glad to hear our resolve, because the Holy Spirit has made many things quite clear, in His Own words that He wants us to do. Therefore, we will follow those words with all our heart and soul.., right?!?? Ephesians 4:29 Maybe IF we were at the Red Sea, and Ephesians 4:29-5:2 God led them, He guided them, He directed their way and told them what Pharaoh would do, AND why Pharaoh would do it. Therefore, they should have been resting in the integrity of God's purpose, power, plan and person. Exodus 14:10 God never condemned the people for being afraid, and the first place they went with their fear was the right place. They went to God, and cried out. Pressure will either drive us to God's side, or will drive us from God's presence. The people cried out to the Lord, BUT their trust and confidence was not in God or His word. God said the events that were taking place were for His Glory, and God had given the people this information in advance of the events. The people went to the Lord. If they had stayed there and found their assurance in Him, they could have had great comfort, and would have gained strength for the next battle. Their attention and affection were not turned to God for very long. Instead, their attention and anger were turned toward Moses. Exodus 14:11 Notice something very strange. NOT once did they acknowledge that it was God Who brought them up out of Egypt! Blame blinds us to reality. Blame blinds us to God. Blame distorts facts. Blame causes us to believe the distorted facts. The people gave Moses credit or blame for bringing them out of Egypt. That was a compliment to Moses, in a back-handed sort of way. They must have thought Moses was some kind of a super star, to be able to single-handedly overcome the most powerful nation of that day. Even worse than giving Moses credit, they totally lost sight of God!! We will see that this is one of the most devastating results of murmuring. Isaiah 55:6 Psalms 145:17 Wouldn't it have been a wonderful story, IF the people had known and followed those two passages? Well my friend, we do have these two passages, and we do know them. So the question is, will you do as the Israelites did, or will your life's story be different because you truly applied and lived in God's commands? Exodus 14:11 Exodus 14:13 God's grace always amazes me!! If I had been planning the rescue of someone from slavery for 400 years... If I had spent my time and energy doing all those miracles and literally changing the world.. ONLY to have those "rescued" people give credit to someone else for my work. I might not have been as Gracious as God. If I had been God, I probably would have said, "You want to give Moses credit for what I did. OK!! Now let's see if Moses can get you out of this mess." But then, I'm not God. Psalms 103:7 "Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today." |
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 2002 |