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Redemption | Essence of God | Lesson 6 |
Activities Manchaca Bible Fellowship |
1 May 2005 | Bible Lessons Operation Outreach |
In the study of God’s plan of redemption for mankind, we must start with a very basic concept. That concept is..: It is God Who provides the redemption and it is humans who receive the redemption. This must NOT be "Basic Theology 101", because very few people START their study at this foundational level. Most want to START with the ultimate conclusion of the whole matter. Starting at the "end" brings excitement, because it is a grand conclusion, but sad to say, that does not bring much understanding to the process, of which we are a part, right now. NOR does it give us an understanding of the person of God, Himself. If God is the supplier of redemption and mankind is the recipient of that redemption, then a proper study of redemption MUST start with Who God is and how He is capable of providing such a wonderful miracle, and we MUST also have an understanding of mankind and why we need such a provision. As we study and understand what mankind has become, and Who God is and what God has done, it will cause us to stand in awe, praise and worship of the God of all Gods. Worship is one of the first elements needed to have a clear understanding of Who God is and what man has become, thereby moving on to a proper view of redemption. Hebrews 11:1 Jump ahead in this passage to the first part of verse 6 "But without faith it is impossible to please Him." The Holy Spirit provides us with this God ordained definition of faith, and then proceeds to state that we "cannot please God without this faith". Also, in this passage, the Holy Spirit shows the relationship between faith, righteousness, worship, etc. The truths of the Word of God are more like a woven tapestry, rather than a dictionary It is certainly needful to examine each strand of the Biblical tapestry, but only an examination of each strand tells about the material used BUT doesn’t tell us much about the picture the tapestry depicts. It is interesting to study the make up of each and every strand. However, to have an understanding of the Scriptural truth, it is needful to see all those strands as a total. It is the total picture that is important! The individual strands are only important as they join with all other strands to make up the whole. When the beginning and ending of our examination is only with individual strands, such as a verse or a word or the Greek meaning, we will seldom see the whole picture, but instead will draw erroneous conclusions. The individual strands are important, for without them there is no picture. However, we must keep in mind that it is the picture that is of greatest value. 1 Timothy 6:3 Words ("strands") are important. We are to be concerned with "wholesome" words and the words of "our Lord Jesus Christ".
Notice, that even the Greek word for "wholesome" indicates that we are to be concerned with are those "wholesome" words that "fit" within the whole and make a healthy whole. It is the total picture we need, not just a study in vocabulary, only. God uses words only to paint a Spiritual picture that human dialogue cannot, by itself, portray. However, if we take all the strands out of the tapestry, examine them, lay them on the table and leave them there, we don’t have a picture! We only have a mess! There is NO way we can accurately develop true doctrine with only an examination of the individual strands of the Biblical tapestry. With that in mind, look at the importance of faith in our life of service and worship. Also, note an area of "faith" that we don’t often think of. Most generally we think of faith in association with doing great things, BUT this area of faith is one we have examined for several lessons and is not considered as "great" from a human perspective. Hebrews 11:1 Please note that the "faith" talked about here was not so they might gain great wealth, fame, or personal comfort. The Holy Spirit sums the totality of this type of faith in verse 6. He says that if we are to approach God, (approaching God is the purpose of Faith), "we MUST believe that He IS". "He is" depicts far more than just that God exists. Isaiah 44:6 John 8:58 Exodus 3:13 If we are to come to Him, we must believe that..: (1) God is not some abstract impersonal force God is a Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (1) God is Sovereign If we are going to come to God, we must believe that God is not some impersonal glob that influences all or is a mystical force that supplies our wants when we cry. We must believe that God is real, personal and all that He says He is. Yes, if we are to come God in worship we must… Believe that He is AND We must believe that His is a rewarder In this context, the reward is for those who diligently seek Him. However, we know that God rewards both good and evil actions and attitudes. Galatians 6:7
Please allow me to rephrase
Hebrews 11:6 (rephrase) Any one coming to God must believe that He is a totally infinite person with an ultimate essence and we must believe that God is totally just in all that He does and gives each what they deserve. In our study, we have been examining God’s essence as to His Love and Justice. To the human mind, these are two attributes are just about as opposite as anything could get. Yet, if God is to be God, He must have both in perfect harmony. To have a clear understanding of God’s Love and Justice, one must have, at least, a surface knowledge of God’s righteousness. We will not take the time to study righteousness at this time, but we need to have some idea of what God’s righteousness entails, OR we will never get to first base in our understanding of any of God’s essence, to say nothing of His Love and Justice. Let me point out, again, the need to harmonize all Biblical facts with each other. Before we take a hop, skip and jump through righteousness, let’s refresh our minds with love and justice.
If God is justice (and He is) then He MUST, by vengeance, inflict punishment on all of us who have committed wrong against the commands of God. If God did not inflict punishment for breaking His commands, He would not be sovereign (more on sovereignty later in this study).
Illustrations: - We love a friend, on account of some qualities which give us pleasure in his society. In short, humans love is whatever gives us pleasure and delight, whether physical or intellectual. Human love seeks personal pleasure and delight. God’s love seeks to restore life to a Spiritually dead human, by the sacrifice of His Own life John 3:16 To properly understand and reconcile God’s actions of love and justice, we need to realize that God must perform both His acts of love and justice in perfect righteousness. Please follow with me as we look at a few passages dealing with the importance of righteousness. Righteousness is not only important, righteousness is an inseparable part of the person of God. As with love and justice.., God is not righteousness because He act in a right manner. God is righteousness, therefore all His acts are right and proper. We cannot develop a definition for righteousness and then try to force God to act according to our definition. Instead, we must observe God’s actions and from those actions develop a definition of righteousness. We could look at dozens of passages that bear out this fact, but for this lesson, let’s look at only a few. Psalms 89:14 As I have pointed out in previous lessons, the English word foundation is translated from several Hebrew or Greek words that have very differing meanings. This Hebrew word has more of the traditional meaning we associate with "foundation".
This passage doesn’t leave much room for doubt. The very undergirding of God’s throne (His rulership) is righteousness and Justice. Righteousness is not only important to God, it is a vital part of all that He is and does. Jeremiah 23:3 For those who have attended the "Walk-Though", they will recognize this as a reference to Christ’s kingdom at the end of the age, when the Jews are gathered back into the land and Christ reigns on earth for 1,000 years. The term "Branch", when capitalized in the Bible, is a reference to the Messiah, or Christ. Here, added to His name and part of His name is "Righteousness". Part of Messiah’s name or title is "Righteousness". Not only is that His name, He will execute judgment and righteousness on the earth. Continuing on in this passage, we see that righteousness is part of or the very essence of Who Christ is, and what we will become, when we are in Christ. Jeremiah 23:6 One problem we face is, if God deals with us only in righteousness, then there is no hope for any of us, because none of us are righteous. Instead, we are totally unrighteous. Jeremiah is referring to a time when the people of Judah will be saved, as a nation. At the point of their Salvation, Christ becomes, to them, "THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS". When those of Judah (or we in Austin) accept Christ as our Savior, THEN Christ becomes our righteousness. Not that we are righteousness, BUT because we have Christ within our lives, we ALSO have Christ’s righteousness within. Romans 8:1 We saw, in the last lesson, that Christ took upon Himself, on the Cross, the sins of the whole world. Thereby, reconciling the world to God. From that point, there was nothing, from God’s part, that prevents a person from coming to God.., EXCEPT that each individual MUST be reconciled to God, by accepting God’s New Birth. Each human in their nature is unrighteous and at odds with God. However, God provided, through the New Birth, the means for a person to become a New Creation, thereby being reconciled to God. The only thing that stands between a human who is totally void of
righteousness and one reconciled to God, is a "CHOICE". Each
person can choose to reject this provision by God, and
spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, OR
accept this provision and have Eternal Life. Therefore, we have
our answer to
Romans 3:26 Romans 3:21 Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection made it possible for God to act in BOTH justice and love towards us, who are sinners. Look at another passage dealing with Israel under the New Covenant. We know that the mechanics of the New Covenant for the nation of Israel and "all families of the earth" are the same. The time of receiving that covenant may be different, but the facts of the New Covenant are the same. Psalms 85:9 If we look at the "truth" of mankind’s condition and God’s person, we MUST conclude that God could not show mercy to us and STILL be true to Himself.., BUT mercy and truth "met together" on the cross.
On the cross, this truth and God’s mercy were brought together, through great violence. The justice of God was poured out on Christ, on the cross. Therefore, God can deal with mankind in mercy. Not only was mercy and truth brought together on the cross, righteousness and peace kissed each other, also.
It was on the cross where God’s righteousness and real peace were attached. Now that God’s justice was poured out on Christ, there are no more barriers to prevent God from acting in either and both (righteousness and/or peace). Luke 2:10 Romans 3:21 Luke 2:10 God’s "peace" was on the earth and from God’s own heart, good will was poured out on all mankind. Not in some emotional sense, BUT in the person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Isaiah 53:5 Ephesians 2:11 Yes, the Righteousness and Peace of God kissed (came together) on the cross. As we have seen, this "Peace with God" is to all humans, BUT it is the responsibility of each individual human to receive the righteousness provided through the New Birth. Please note that "peace with God" is not the same as the "peace of God". Before we can know the "peace of God’ we MUST be at "peace with God. A subject for another time. If we receive God’s righteousness, then the future wrath of God will not come upon us, but for any who do not receive this Gift of God, the wrath of God still abides on them. Matthew 10:32 Matthew 24:48 Psalms 2:9 Revelation 2:26 Revelation 19:11 Isaiah 32:17 We could take another whole class session just looking at the fact that God is a God of "justice" AND He is a God of "love". God, Himself, bore the punishment of His own "justice" on the cross. Therefore, He is free to act in love, because His justice has been satisfied. However, if a person will not accept God’s gift of love, His Son, that person is still under the sentence of eternal death demanded by His Justice. The choice is ours. We can choose to remain outside of Christ’s redemption, and therefore continue under God’s condemnation. OR We can accept God’s provision of love, and no longer be under condemnation because we will then be in Christ, as a child of God. A father was talking with his rather rebellious son one day and said, "Every person who lives in the United States is a privileged person." The boy answered, "I disagree!" The father replied, "That’s the privilege." The rebellious son had the "privilege" of disagreeing, but his disagreement did not change the fact. You are free to reject God’s provision, but such a rejection will not change the fact of the sure consequences of such a choice. |
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 2005 |