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Redemption | Essence of God | Lesson 5 |
Activities Manchaca Bible Fellowship |
24 April 2005 | Bible Lessons Operation Outreach |
God’s plan for the human race has been and always will be redemption. This plan of God was in place even before God formed the world on which mankind lives this temporal life. It is important to know and understand this fact, not only to understand the person of God, BUT also to have a proper concept of the plan of redemption, God’s justice, His love and many other aspects of God’s essence. Revelation 13:8 A question has come up, because I often say that "Christ was the Lamb slain before the foundation
of the world..," But the Scripture text of
Rev 13:18 I don’t always give the background and the details for some statements of this nature, because if I did, the series would be much, much longer than it already is. However, to answer the question, please allow me to, as quickly as possible, show the background for stating that it was "before" the foundation, rather than at the time. And yes, it is an important distinction. I’ll not try to show its importance at this time, but it will show itself, as we move along. We need to look at the Greek definition of the phrase "foundation
of" as used in
Rev 13:8 1 Corinthians 3:10
Our English trained minds most generally think of "foundation" in this manner. However, there is another Greek word
translated to the English word "foundation" in
Rev 13:8
Rev 13:8 Hebrews 11:11 Also, notice that in some other passages where this Greek word is used, the translators use the phrase before the foundation rather than from the foundation. Ephesians 1:2 As you file this passage away in your mind, in the "folder" marked "foundation", please note several connected subjects to that fact. There was a specific reason we were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world. In this passage, we were chosen THAT we should be holy and
without blame before Him in love. Almost every word in this
passage is filled with meaning. I can only take the time to point to
some. As you can see, there is MUCH in this passage, but for this lesson we
want to see that this plan of redemption was conceived before the
foundation of the world. Another indication that
Rev 13:8 Titus 1:1 Still one more passage that gives evidence to the fact that Christ was the Lamb slain BEFORE the foundation of the world and not at the time of creation. 1 Peter 1:17 I trust that explains why I often say that Christ was the Lamb slain
before the foundation of the world, even
though the English text of
Rev 13:8 God in "personality" is three. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. These are descriptive titles, taken by the Godhead and relates to their activity in the plan of redemption. Even though God is three in personality, God is ONE in essence. For our study, we are looking at 11 descriptive aspects of God’s essence, often called attributes. (1) God is Sovereign God is not "just" because He acts
justly, God IS Justice!! Therefore, all His actions are just. God IS Love Therefore, all His actions are loving.
If God is justice (and He is) then He MUST, by vengeance, inflict punishment on all of us who have committed wrong against the commands and person of God. If God did not inflict punishment for breaking His commands, He would not be sovereign (more on sovereignty later in this series). In these next lessons, we want to see how God can be a God of justice and still be a God of love. If there is a "key" to understanding God’s person, that "key" might just be the reconciling, from Scripture, of how God’s "justice" can function in harmony with His "love" and the other aspects of His essence. However, IF we do not properly see that God is a God of justice, we will NEVER fully understand the person of God or the works of God in the past, present or future. Romans 12:18 Galatians 6:7 We could look at verse after verse in both the Old and New Testament stating that God will and MUST "give to every one what is their due". If God is just (and He is) then every person MUST receive exactly what they deserve. Tragically, our limited human reasoning concludes that -- If God is a God of absolute justice, then He must be sitting up in heaven waiting to clobber us. That would have some validity, IF God, in His essence, were ONLY a God of justice. However, among those qualities of God’s essence, is also Love. Ephesians 2:4 Humans, in our depraved nature, are capable of dispensing our version of justice without also acting in real love. God’s nature is far different than fallen mankind, God cannot simply act in love or in justice without being true to all other qualities of His nature. Humans are also capable of overlooking offences and bypassing justice in the name of compassion. We humans, even Believers, have the habit of comparing God’s person and His actions, to our own depraved nature and reactions. We often place God on an equal or lower plane than humanity. This devaluation of God, often brings up such statements and questions as: "How can a loving God allow such things to happen?" Then in the next breath, these same people can ask: "If God is just, how can He allow such injustice to continue?" Today, we want to attempt, from the Word of God, to bring a little clarity to the question of how God can be totally just and supremely loving at all times and at the same time? Romans 3:26 This verse sums up a small part of the problem facing God. How can God allow a person to be justified, even if that person has sinned and is worthy of justice? How could God be fair or "just" by allowing some person, here in Austin, to be justified, just because that person came to church, heard the gospel, believed what they heard and accepted Christ as Savior? However, on the other side of the earth, where there is no church, another person who never heard the gospel but did the best they knew and worshiped the sun, and yet God holds that person responsible and acts in justice against that person. To properly answer that question, we will need to look a number of passages of Scripture. Some of these passages will be rather long, and there will be many other related subjects and some of those subjects are vital to our understanding of the person of God. In preparation to explore these passages, let’s look again at the norm of human love.
Illustrations: In short, human love is whatever gives us pleasure and delight, whether physical or intellectual. Human love seeks personal pleasure and delight. God’s love seeks to restore life to a Spiritually dead human, by the sacrifice of His Own life. John 3:16 This great passage certainly demonstrates the "love" of God for the world, the whole world. This was certainly a love that gave, it didn’t grab. It is a very generous love. It is a love that extended to the whole world. The total extent of this love is demonstrated by the fact that--"whoever"-- simply believing in Christ will have everlasting life. How could that possibly be "JUST"?? After all, most people of the world deserve vengeance from God because of their sins. Most people are not like us. At least, we often think that we deserve God’s infinite love. Right??? It is a reasonable question, and one that should be ask… How could the Love of John 3:16 Let’s have a look at why we all deserve God’s justice and why we all need God’s love. Ephesians 4:17 All peoples of the world who have not accepted Christ: (1) Are totally empty in their minds of any real knowledge of God All of these "qualities" may not be evident at all times, but they are all integral parts of the fallen human nature. Romans 3:10 This is a description of EVERY human since the sin of Adam in the Garden. Each of these actions and thoughts may not be openly demonstrated all the time, BUT each and every one is a part of human nature. 1 John 5:19 John 8:44 Matthew 25:41 Being in the "family" of Satan is the condition of every unbeliever, and the "home" (Lake of Fire) of Satan will be the non-believer’s eternal destiny. Revelation 21:8 That is a brief look at the condition of those outside of Christ and their ultimate eternal destiny. That is a picture of all of us before we accepted Christ as Savior, and there are times when even Believers act very much like children of wrath. Sad to say, many Believers still act in the manner of non-believers. How, then, can God demonstrate His love to Believers in Christ and His wrath to those outside of Christ. God’s demonstration of wrath or love has nothing to do with the personal "goodness" or "badness" of the human. John 1:29 This "Lamb of God", Who was slain before the foundation of the world, came in human form, through the Virgin Birth, and died on the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of the WHOLE world. God’s justice was poured out on His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, THEREFORE the justice of God’s essence was satisfied. Hebrews 9:27 2 Corinthians 5:14 Isaiah 53:6 ALL we like sheep have gone astray, and I do believe the ALL here means ALL -- you, me and every one born onto this world. I am thrilled to declare to you that Christ took the iniquity of us ALL. This "ALL", at the end of the verse, is as inclusive as the ALL at the beginning of this verse. Therefore, your sins are paid for, AND the sins of the whole world are also paid for. 2 Corinthians 5:18 When Adam sinned in the Garden, he passed that sin nature down to everyone who would be born into this world through procreation of humans. This meant that every human (past, present and future) is an enemy of God and has NO active relationship with the divine nature of God. Humanity is separated from God. We are not only apart from God, our nature, desires and actions are absolutely opposite that of God’s. For that broken relationship of a human and God to be restored, there must be a twofold reconciliation. (1) From God’s standpoint: (2) From the human standpoint: On the cross and by the resurrection of Christ..: (1) The sin problem was solved What if they have never heard that God has reconciled the world to Himself? Surely, if they have never heard the message, they cannot be reconciled to God. Right? Romans 1:18 There is no place in the world where the "attributes" of God are not CLEARLY
seen, at least His deity and the power. If
people will not properly respond to the knowledge of God that
they have, then they are without excuse
Rom 1:20 If they respond properly to the information provided by God (in creation), THEN it is God’s responsibility to provide any further needed information, and He will do so—He is Sovereign!! Look at verse 18 where it is stated that God’s wrath is going to be revealed against ALL who suppress the truth. Through Christ’s incarnation, life, death and resurrection, God has reconciled the World to Himself. NOW there in NOTHING, from God’s part, that stands between God and mankind, EXCEPT the response of mankind to the Gift of His Son. The next move is up to those, who have heard or seen the truth of God (through whatever means) to receive, by faith—NOT by human rationalization—the information God has provided. Once a human receives, by faith, that "Gospel", God performs a miracle through His grace and the human is reconciled to God through the New Birth. 1 John 2:1 1 John 4:9 A story from real life..: In the fourth year of the layoff from his job, Dad gave Mom a dishwasher for Christmas. You have to understand the magnitude of the gift. Our old house had its original wiring and plumbing, and neither could handle the required installation of anything, to say nothing of a dishwasher. There was no spot in the small kitchen for such a large appliance, and we hadn’t even been able to meet the mortgage interest payments for over six months. Dad hated the thought of washing dishes! He would rather do anything but wash a dish. Mom had undergone major surgery that spring, a radical mastectomy for breast cancer, and found it difficult to do any work requiring the use of her arms. No large box appeared, no new plumbing or wiring was installed, no remodeling of the kitchen occurred. Rather, a small note appeared on a branch of the Christmas tree, handwritten by Dad: "For one year I will wash ALL of the dirty dishes in this household. Every one!" And he did. He really did. The illustration certainly falls short of what God did for mankind in bringing reconciliation to the human race. However, it does show, in human terms, that love is not just a gift. Love is a gift of oneself!! God became man, and gave Himself as a substationary sacrifice for our sins. If you, or anyone else in the world, rejects this gift of Himself, THEN you and they deserve the wrath of God that must come because of His justice. John 3:16
John 3:18 |
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 2005 |