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Redemption | Essence of God | Lesson 4 |
Activities Manchaca Bible Fellowship |
17 April 2005 | Bible Lessons Operation Outreach |
(1) God is Sovereign (2) God is Justice (3) God is Love (4) God is Omnipotence (5) God is Omniscience (6) God is Omnipresence (7) God is Righteousness (8) God is Eternal Life (9) God is Veracity (10) God is Immutable (11) God is Holy In our study of the essence of God, we have looked at an overview of both His justice and love. God is not just because He acts justly, nor Is God love because He acts in a loving manner. God IS Justice!! Therefore, all His actions are just. God IS Love Therefore, all His actions are loving.
Yes, if God is justice (and He is) then He MUST, by vengeance, inflict punishment on all who have committed wrong against the commands of God. If God did not inflict punishment for breaking His commands, He would not be sovereign (more on sovereignty later in this study). Romans 12:18 Galatians 6:7 We could look at verse after verse in both the Old and New Testament stating that it’s God’s will and purpose to "give to every one what is their due" If God is just (and He is) then every person MUST receive exactly what they deserve. That scary fact does not bring much comfort to any one of us, when we look at our lives. Even when we look at our lives through the filter of our own ego, we know that we do not deserve to be children of God and have the privilege of spending eternity in the presence of God. Instead, based on our own behavior, we deserve, at best, to remain the children of "our father the devil" and spend eternity with him in the Lake of Fire. John 8:42 These words were spoken by Christ to some of the most religious people the world will ever know. These were the religious leaders of the Jews in the time of Christ. They would, by any human standard, be considered fine upstanding moral people. I’m sure that none of us, here today, could hold a candle to their religious fervor or their factual knowledge of the Old Testament. Yet, Christ stated that if we want to enter the kingdom of heaven, then we must have righteousness that exceeds theirs. Matthew 5:20 I’d say that if these extremely religious people were "of their father the Devil’.., then we, who do not hold a candle to their righteousness, would also be children of the Devil. Look at just a few passages that point to how far short we are from the standard of righteousness, which we must attain if we hope to avoid the justice of God, as He meets out, in vengeance, exactly what we deserve. Isaiah 64:6 Romans 7:18 Mark 7:21 When we see what we are, then we can have a little better idea of what we really deserve from God. When we have even a little idea of what we deserve from God, and we know that God is a God of justice, THEN it should strike fear within our hearts. Romans 7:24 Hebrews 10:30 If God is a God of absolute justice, then He must be a ‘ol meany, just sitting up in heaven waiting with glee, to clobber us. Well, that assessment might have some validity, IF God, in His essence, were ONLY a God of justice. As we have see already in this study, God has at least 11 equal
qualities within His being or essence. There are obviously far more qualities within the person of God than
the 11 Ephesians 2:4 Far different, than the nature of fallen mankind, God cannot simply act in love without being true to all other qualities of His nature. We humans, on the other hand, can meet out our version of justice WITHOUT a smidgen of love. We are also very capable of overlooking some of the worst offenses and bypassing justice in the name of compassion. Because we compare God’s person and actions to our own depraved nature and reactions, we often place God on an equal or lower plane than humanity. This devaluation of God, often brings up such statements and
questions as: Then in the next breath, these same people can ask: These and many similar questions cannot find resolution, in our minds, without a clear understanding, from the Word of God, of Who God is and what God does. Notice a few references to those who do not know God and some of the results of NOT knowing God or knowing God. Please keep in mind that we learn about God from the observation of what God does, harmonized with all Scripture. The Bible dose not give us a thesis on who God is, apart from what God has done. Romans 1:20 No one passage of Scripture is more important than another. However, there are some passages that give us a broad perspective of God’s plan and purpose. Sometimes these pivotal passages, at first glance, seem to be just "run of the mill" passages. However, with a closer examination and a comparison with the rest of Scripture, we find them to be "key" passages that unlock many deep truths. Romans chapters one and two are just such passages. Notice, it is through the works of God, in this case creation, that
the attributes or essence of God is seen and understood. As pointed out before, God’s two attributes mentioned in
Rom 1 To see most of the attributes of God, we must observe the actions of God recorded in the Scripture. Very few of the attributes of God are described for us in the Scriptures. Instead, those attributes are demonstrated in the Scriptures. Please note, that this information about God was not used properly by
those in
Rom 1 1 Corinthians 1:18 In
Romans 1:21 Folks, it is important that we know and heed this fact! If we do not use what we know of God, we lose that God knowledge and we will usually turn inward for our Spiritual "wisdom". This is true of non-believer and Believers. Hebrews 5:9 The writer of Hebrews states that there is a great deal to say about Christ, and it is hard to explain, BECAUSE they had become "dull of hearing". This dullness had come as a result of not properly using what they had already heard and observed. We also see, in 1 Corinthians, that the Believers at Corinth had become carnal for this same reason. The results of that carnality was division in the Church and a hindrance to the proper declaration of the message of redemption. That is one of the fears of this type of ministry. Here at MBF, a lot of Biblical information is dispensed through Bible Classes, AWANA, Sunday School, the Morning Service, etc. People will either respond to the Word or rebel against that Word. My prayer is that we will continue to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, AND that we will respond to the Word and not rebel against it. Look at what Paul says about this matter in… Galatians 4:7 Paul is talking to those who are Believers, they are sons of God. He reminds them that when they "did not know" God, they were involved with the gods of the natural realm, devised from the darkened hearts of humanity. That was what they were before they had the knowledge of God. Then the big question! Paul ask, "Why are you turning again to the natural?" A person will either respond to or rebel against the truths of God, and it matters not whether saved or unsaved. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 Just a few more quick thoughts. Remember this knowledge of God’s person is seen through God’s actions as recorded in the Word of God. When we reject or rebel against this knowledge, found in the Word of God, we open ourselves to sexual immorality. Titus 1:15 Our knowledge of God is not to be academic only, BUT that knowledge must be translated into Biblical works. If we only use the knowledge of God to bolster our academic standing or receive some "goodies" from God, then the religious works we perform will actually be a denial of Him and will be done in our own strength. Having only the academic knowledge of God, disqualifies us from doing any work that will be recognized, by God, as "good". 2 Thessalonians 1:3 Proper suffering is an evidence of the righteous judgment of God, because it develops within us a quality that makes us worthy of the kingdom of God. Within the purpose of God, one goal is to make Believers "worthy" of the Kingdom. Therefore, any event in our lives or action that accomplishes that "goal" is within the realm of God’s righteousness. Even though we benefit Spiritually from proper suffering, God holds those, who brought that suffering to us, responsible for that suffering and will take vengeance on them. Last but not least, another in this list of things resulting from knowing God or the lack thereof, is found in… 1 John 4:8 Review quickly some of the things resulting from knowing God or the lack thereof (1)
Gal 4:7-9 (2)
1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 (3)
Titus 1:15-16 (4)
2 Thessalonians 1:3-8 (5)
1 John 4:8 We are all sinners, and sins are not rated from bad sins that deserve punishment to little "white lies" that can be passed over. After all the "zinger sin" was when Adam and Eve went to the "fruit market" in the Garden and ate the wrong fruit. That certainly wasn’t as bad as killing someone. Right? Well, one sin may be worse than another according to mankind’s calculations, but God’s thoughts are far above our thoughts. If that is all true, and it is, how can God love some and punish others? We’re all in the same "sin boat", aren’t we? Ah! Now you are asking a real good question, and God has the answer. Like any good answer to any good question, it will take a little more than "ho-hum" to discover that answer. It will take a little digging. Romans 3:26 This verse sums up a small part of the problem facing God. How can God allow a person to be justified, even if that person has sinned and is worthy of justice. You know? I do believe all of us Believers have sinned and are worthy of justice. How could God be fair or "just" by allowing some person here in Austin to be justified, just because that person came to church, heard the gospel, believed what they heard and accepted Christ as Savior. However, on the other side of the earth, where there is no church, another person who never heard the gospel did the best they knew and worshiped the sun, yet God holds that person responsible and acts in justice against that person. That sure doesn’t seem fair to my way of thinking. How about you? We all would like an answer to that problem, and we would like it summed up in 100 words or less, because we have many more important earthly things to do. Yes, there is an answer. That answer was given by God, Himself. However, that answer is given in a Book of 1,189 chapters. We call that Book the Bible. For God to be absolutely just, when justifying a person who deserves the sting of justice carried out in vengeance, requires a more complicated formula than the most intricate formula thought up by the wisest of the wise in the human realm. Like any other subject, understanding God and His actions requires many progressive stages of learning and comprehension. One of those progressive stages is the reconciling of God justice with His love, and these must be in perfect harmony with His righteousness. Romans 3:21 Because the human mind cannot comprehend the righteousness of God, God gave us a shadow picture of His righteousness. That shadow picture was the Mosaic Law found in the Old Testament. As good as this picture was, it was only a shadow of the real thing, and was given for the purpose of making it possible for the human mind to recognize real righteousness, which IS Christ. Up until Christ came to the earth, the only glimpse of God’s righteousness that humans had was the Law. Then for some 33 years, the world was exposed to God’s real righteousness, and for the first time, we did not have to look to the Law to see this aspect of God nature. Let’s go back and see a little of the immediate context of
Rom 3:21 Romans 3:26 Romans 3:21 Time will not permit any further study of this passage right now, but look at several aspects of God’s person and His work that must be perfectly harmonized to accomplish the fact that God is JUST and the JUSTIFIER of those who put their trust in Christ, Who is God righteousness: (1) Righteousness In closing this lesson, please allow me to point out some of the basic difference between Human Love and Divine Love. I want to do so by looking at the definition of Human Love, and recounting a incident of Divine Love demonstrated through human means. Then in the next lesson, we will dive headlong into the reconciling of God’s Justice and His Love.
Illustrations: - We love a friend, on account of some qualities which give us pleasure in his society. In short, human love is whatever gives us pleasure and delight, whether animal or intellectual. Danny was born with no ears. He could hear all right, but he didn’t have ears like normal people. All his life, Danny endured ridicule and rejection because of his deformity, but he learned to live with it. Thankfully, he had loving parents and a strong family to sustain him. When Danny was in high school, his doctor told him of a new procedure that made it possible to transplant ears from one person to another. That meant Danny could get new ears, if someone who was compatible to his physical make-up donated theirs. This was exciting news! After all, people donated body parts all the time—hearts, lungs, kidneys… However, Danny soon found that donor ears were extremely scarce. Danny didn’t give up hope, however. He knew that someday he would get new ears. He graduated from high school with honors and was accepted at a major university thousands of miles away. He kissed his parents good-bye and began his life as a college student. Again, he found it hard to make friends and fit in because of his ears, or lack thereof. One day he got a phone call from his father. "Go to the hospital tomorrow, Danny. A donor has been found." The very next day Danny checked into the university hospital where doctors were ready to perform the surgery. A few hours later, Danny had new ears. When the bandages came off, Danny gazed into the mirror for hours. He finally had ears like normal people. For the first time in his life, he wasn’t ashamed of the way he looked. He not only had new ears, he had a new life. A few weeks later, Danny received another phone call from his father. "Son, your mother is very ill, and She may not live through the night." Danny was on the first plane home. When he arrived, his father gave him the sad news that his mother had died. Together they went to the funeral home, where Danny was able to see his mother for the last time. He leaned over to kiss her cheek. Brushing her hair back from her face, he noticed that she had no ears. It was a mother’s incredible love that provided Danny with new ears, and it is our Heavenly Father’s incredible love that provided us with our new life. Romans 5:8 True Love always pays a price. True Love always costs something. True Love is expensive. When you love, Benefits enhances another’s account. My love is for you, not for me. Love gives, it doesn’t grab. Human love seeks personal pleasure and delight. God’s love seeks to restore life to a Spiritually dead human, by the sacrifice of His Own life |
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 2005 |