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Redemption | Essence of God | Lesson 20 |
Activities Manchaca Bible Fellowship |
10 April 2005 | Bible Lessons Operation Outreach |
To have even a surface understand of God’s redemption, we must understand the person of God. The ONLY place we can access the information needed to gain such an understanding is in the Word of God. Isaiah 55:8 It matters not how long you think and contemplate about who God is and what God had done, if those actions are from your own wisdom apart from the Bible, you won’t even be close. It matters not how sincere your intentions or how factually accurate your presumptions, IF they are anything other than the facts from the Word of God, you will be far off base in your conclusions. We can learn a great deal about God by observing His creation in connection with, but not apart from the Word of God. Mankind has a great capacity for intricate contemplation and magnificent conclusions from such thoughts. There are very few physical problems that are unsolvable by mankind, if given enough data and time. However, mankind cannot control or improve the moral condition of the human race. If mankind can fantasize it, somehow, somewhere, sometime mankind will probably make it a reality -- if there is enough money in it. Yet, with all that collective mental power, including the best of computers, mankind is helpless to rationalize who God is and what God does. As a matter of fact, it is Spiritually dangerous to even attempt to understand God and His actions by human reasoning, apart from the simple truths of the Word of God. Many cults, and some of the worst have been spawned because someone tried to grasp the person of God apart from the truths of the Word of God. For those who participated in the series on the Cults, I’m sure you can think of several cults that started because some person bypassed the information of the Word of God or added to the facts presented in the Word, and by human contemplation "built" themselves a god that fit within the boundaries of their finite understanding. Even the best intentioned Believer stands in the same danger when contemplating the person of God apart from the Word of God. We can look at the physical creation of material substance or animal life and through that observation, we can learn a great deal about God. Even so, as stated before, the knowledge derived from creation must be tempered by the truth of God’s Word. This fact is clearly seen in… Psalms 19:1 The information about God, obtained from creation, transcends all human boundaries and vocabularies. Psalms 19:4 We can learn a great deal about God’s glory and greatness by observing creation. This fact is emphasized again in… Romans 1:18 In both
Romans 1
The information gained about God from creation should evoke within our hearts an attitude of awe about God, thankfulness to God and a glorification of God. Instead of allowing the things of creation to produce a reverence for God, mankind often uses the facts of creation to either:
Using only the facts of the natural creation to prove there is a God or to prove there is not a God, will often lead to one of two conclusion or some degree of these:
We’ll be back to
Psalm 19 Romans 1:20
When we use what we can see from the natural creation to form our opinions about God OR to understand who God is, we demonstrate the total emptiness of the human mind to understand and from that "emptiness", we draw conclusions about the infinite God. When we do so, whether we build an actual physical idol or not, we have changed the GLORY of the incorruptible God into a concoction devised only by corruptible humanity. Therefore, we must either redirect our thinking of God as something of creation, OR we must deny there is a God who deserves glory and praise. The first leads to Cultism and the second leads to some form of Atheism. Romans 1:24 Christianity, as a whole, has tried to adapt their concept of God so that their presentation of God would not be in conflict with a rational world. Over the past 50 to 100 years, we have seen a decline in morality, in direct relationship to the church’s presentation of a rational God that can be understood by finite mankind. We don’t come to an understanding of who God is to become a Christian. We become a Christian because we have accepted, by faith, God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ – even though we do not understand who God is. Romans 1:26- For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. With that in mind, look back at… Psalms 19:1 There is much we can learn about God from observing what He has done, and by observing the natural laws that are a result of what He has done. However, IF we want Spiritual value, that value MUST come from the Word of God, NOT the works of God. This truth is seen in
Psalms 19:7-14 Psalms 19:7 In personality God is three, in essence He is one. To study that essence we are going to look at 11 aspects of God’s essence. However, there are many, MANY other terms we could add to the description of God’s person. God in His essence is: (1) Sovereign (2) Justice (3) Love (4) Omnipotence (5) Omniscience (6) Omnipresence (7) Righteousness (8) Eternal Life (9) Veracity (10) Immutable (11) Holy I know, I’m repeating myself! But please remember, there are not enough words in the English language to adequately describe God and His work. These "11" are descriptive terms to be used as handles so that we can more easily grasp the un-fathomless Spiritual truths of God’s person. To have a clear understanding of God’s "Love", we must have a firm grip on His "JUSTICE". Too many people have the idea that love is getting what they want, and justice is changing everyone to be like themselves.
Surely, God is not vindictive. Is He?
- Such infliction, when it proceeds from malice or mere resentment, and not necessary for the purposes of justice, is revenge, and a most heinous crime. - When such infliction proceeds from a mere love of justice, and the necessity of punishing offenders for the support of the laws, it is vengeance, and is warrantable and just. - In this case, vengeance is a just retribution, recompense or punishment. In this latter sense, the word is used in Scripture and frequently applied to the punishments inflicted by God on sinners. God would certainly NEVER carry out vengeance! Not if He is a loving God. Right?!?? When mankind, from their "empty" or futile thinking, draws conclusions about God, based on how they think they would like God to act, they are ALWAYS wrong. Look at a couple of passages dealing with this matter. Romans 12:18 It is not our job to carry out "vengeance", that’s God’s job. Therefore, we should not try to do God’s job. Instead, we are to give place (get out of the way) to wrath. God will take care of it! If we are standing in the way when God deals out vengeance, some of that wrath might just hit us. For this study, we need to see that God is a God vengeance. However, please remember.., God does not always act in the manner humans think He should. Nor does God act according to the rules set up through the best of human contemplation. 2 Peter 3:9 Anytime God’s actions are in conflict with mankind’s ideas, guess who is wrong???? There are some Biblical directives for us to carry out vengeance, under certain circumstances. We will see some of those as we study the soul and the authority and responsibility God has given to mankind. Galatians 6:1 God is not just because He acts justly. God IS Justice!! Therefore, all His actions are just. God IS Love Therefore, all His actions are loving. If we are to see and understand God’s love, we must establish what is meant by love. In the old Testament, the main Hebrew word translated to English as "love" is…
There are two main Greek words in the New Testament translated to the English word "love". There are several different structures of these two Greek words, but the base meaning is the same.
This base Greek word is used in other forms such as…
Of course, there is the Greek word we are all familiar with. It is the standard bearer of Biblical love. That Greek word is…
As we look at the Greek definition of "agape" or "agapao" it seems to be a little wimpy, when compared to our concept of God’s love. It must be remembered that the Holy Spirit uses common words, and by the Biblical use and actions connected with those words, a far greater and deeper meaning, than their common use in human language, is established. Therefore, to have an understanding of Divine Love, we must establish a definition based on the actions of God, throughout the entire Word of God. The Holy Spirit uses agape to express ideas previously unknown. Illustration… John 13:34 How could this be a "new commandment"? In the Old Testament there was the command to love God and your neighbor. The "new" part is that we are to "love as Christ loved us". And believe you me, that was a brand new concept. As we look at God’s love as expressed in the Bible, we will see a love that is different and much deeper than the love expressed and expected by humans. Review quickly some of the ways the Greek word for love is use in the New Testament. Agape and agapao are used in the NT to: (1) Describe the attitude of God toward--
(2) Convey His will to His children concerning their attitude--
(3) Express the essential nature of God --
1 John 4:8 We can only know what Divine love is by observing the actions it prompts. God's love is seen in the gift of His son. This was obviously not a love spawned from some emotional feelings or from a desire for self-satisfaction. This was not a love awaken because of some quality of excellence in the ones (us) to whom that love was directed. Romans 5:8 Divine love was an action of God, spawned by a deliberate choice. This choice of God to love was made without any condition of proper response from the ones who were loved (God so loved the world). This divine love was not motivated by some benefit God might receive, but simply because it is God’s nature to love. Self-centeredness is the negation of our love for God and the negation of the expression of God’s love through us to others. Refresh your thinking about that first human sin, and their response to God’s Justice, even back when mankind was fresh from the creative hand of God. Genesis 3:11 Both Adam and Eve acted on the basis of their volition given by God, BUT God did not coerce, force or even influence them to act in this manner. They acted contrary to the direct command of God, therefore God must act in justice. In
Genesis 3:11 We have a problem here. Adam acted contrary to God’s command. Adam knew full well the consequence for his actions. However, IF he had never been warned by God of the consequence, he would still have been guilty. Therefore, IF God is a just God, He MUST carry out appropriate vengeance. BUT it doesn’t seem that God carried out any vengeance. Oh, yea! Adam was thrown out of the Garden. That was certainly a punishment. But the prescribed punishment was "DEATH". Genesis 3:14 The phrase "cursed…for you sake" is very important for our understanding of the present subject and many to follow. Some would say that "for your sake" meant that the curse was the fault of Adam and was a direct result of his sin AND a punishment for it. However, I don’t believe that is what this phrase means. First of all, cursing the earth was never mentioned as part of the punishment for sin. The punishment for sin or the results of sin was death. Pure and simple – "Death"—nothing more or nothing less. The phrase "for your sake" could mean that God was giving the curse for the good or benefit of Adam. Not only could it mean such, I believe we will see that Scripture bears out that it is what it means. Look at how the phrase is used in other Scripture passages. Isaiah 54:15 These who were assembled weren’t going to fall as a result of Israel’s actions or because of the fault of Israel. No! They were going to fall for the benefit of Israel. It was for their sake. John 12:30 This "voice" did not come because of something that the people who were standing around did. It was not the fault of these people. No! This voice came as a benefit for these people. It was for their sake. Romans 11:28 As you recall, this is in reference to the Jews being set aside for a time, and here they are referred as enemies of the gospel. They did not become enemies because of anything the New Testament Believers did. Nor was it the fault of the Believers that they became enemies. NO!! They became enemies for the benefit of we who are Believers. It was for our sake. We could look at other passages, but this gives a good cross section of the use of this phrase in Scripture. Certainly, the "curse" is looked upon as a hardship and therefore something of a "punishment". BUT if there was no "curse", being fallen sinners as we are, we would have little desire to leave this earth in its perfect condition. As a matter of fact, we often fall in love with this world even though it has been cursed. However, because of the curse, we have a great hope of things to come. Romans 8:16 Yes, the curse was given by God so that we (and creation) would have hope. Often, we do not respond to many things God says and as a result we loose many blessings. Revelation 13:8 It was only because of the reality of God’s determination, before the foundation of the world, that Christ would bring redemption THAT God could give the curse in HOPE!!! Love always pays a price. Love always costs something. Love is expensive. When you love, Benefits enhances another’s account. My love is for you, not for me. Love gives, it doesn’t grab. |
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 2005 |