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From the Pastors Desk | |
Redemption | Essence of God | Lesson 19 |
Activities Manchaca Bible Fellowship |
3 April 2005 | Bible Lessons Operation Outreach |
In any study of the Word of God, we must study the Word of God. That’s deep theology. Right? Yes, it is deep theology. Sad to say, much, even most Bible study today is not the study of the Bible. It is instead, the study of books written about the Bible, and those can be interesting, enlightening and we need many of them, BUT they are not the Bible. As a result, Christendom is divided by whose book or theology each group is following. Christendom should be united in what we know of the truths from the Word of God, itself. This was a basic and devastating problem, even in the early Churches. Look at what the Holy Spirit had to say on this matter, through the Apostle Paul in… 1 Corinthians 3:1 As you remember, in the last lesson, we established, from the Word of God, that there are two main aspects to the truths in the Word of God.
We also saw that if we don’t have the "basic" things of the Word of God, we can never gain the "deep" things. However, if we don’t use the "deep" truths we’ve gained, we will regress in our understanding of BOTH the "basic" and "deep" things, and will find ourselves starting over again. If you missed the last lesson or the mind is a little fuzzy on these things, may I recommend you reread lesson #18 that you receive this past week. 1 Corinthians 3 We can and should gain insights into the truths of God’s Word through the many "ministers" provided by God. However, we must keep in mind that they are only ministers, not the Holy Spirit, and their writing or sermons about the Word are only human writing and not the Holy Scriptures. If we can maintain that balance, THEN these many ministers can "water" and "plant", BUT it is still God that gives the increase. However, if we let these many ministers become, in our minds, anything but ministers who "water" and "plant".., we bring devastation to the church, and apostasy to the teaching from the Word. Please note, in this case at Corinth, it was not the ministers who were creating the division, it was the hearers. That is not always the case, sometime it is the ministers that cause the division, either deliberately or inadvertently. 1 Corinthians 3:9 There is ONLY one foundation upon which to build, and that is Jesus Christ, and the ONLY place we can access that foundation, is the Word of God. If there is only one foundation (and there is only one foundation) upon which we can build our Christian life and only one access to that foundation, THEN it is pretty important that we have a very good understanding of that foundation, BOTH of its basic and deep things. Each one of us are responsible for how we build on that foundation! Others, such as ministers, can be helpful by giving instructions, BUT they can not do your building for you. NOR should your foundation be based on what these ministers have said and written. Just for the record, that includes me. I will not deliberately give you improper building instructions, BUT nonetheless you are responsible to search the Scriptures to make sure that what I say is founded solidly in the Scriptures. 1 Corinthians 3:12 I don’t want to take the time away from our present subject to review the Judgment Seat of Christ, BUT it is important to remind ourselves of the importance of HOW we build, BOTH for time and eternity. We have those who say that our actions, during this life, have no
consequences in eternity. That
evaluation comes from NOT harmonizing all Scripture with itself,
OR simply ignoring vast portions of Scripture. I would say that
"suffering loss (
1 Corinthians 3:15 1 Corinthians 3:18 Paul is not knocking human knowledge and wisdom. He was one of the best educated and worldly wise men of his day. Notice what he said in other passages… Philippians 3:4 Galatians 6:14 Back to our passage in
1 Cor 3:18 With those things in mind, let’s review some other facts from the last lesson. There is only one God. "In the beginning God" not Gods but God. Yet, in personality God is three. I use the term "personality" not is the sense that is said of some, that they have multiple personalities. God in personality is three. These three are separate entities, yet one in essence. The three persons of the Trinity are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. These are descriptive titles taken by the persons of the Trinity, as to their role in the plan of redemption. The "Son", the second person of the Godhead, the Lord Jesus Christ, was not procreated by the "Father", both were equal in Their eternal existence. However, within the plan of redemption there was a relationship similar to a "proper" father son relationship of humans.
Even though I use these 11 qualities to describe the essence of God throughout this study, please, remember there are not enough words in the English language to adequately describe God and His work. These are descriptive terms to be used as handles so that we can more easily grasp the un-fathomless Spiritual truths of God’s person. I will try to remind you of this fact often, because the human mind "loves" to attach itself to terms. Once the term is established, it often becomes the end of all things. This is true in almost all phases of life, such as politics. Once dubbed as "right-wing" or "left-wing", no matter what the facts may be, those handles stick. I certainly do not want that to happen in our study of the God of all gods. Our God supersedes all terms collectively. In today’s lesson, we want to begin our study of the aspect of God’s essence we have called "Love". However, to have a clear understanding of God’s "Love", we must have firm grip on His "JUSTICE". Too many people have the idea that love is getting what they want, and justice is changing everyone to be like themselves Charles Schultz in his cartoon, "Peanuts," gave us a pretty good picture of such distorted opinions. In the first frame, Lucy said to Charlie Brown, "If I was in charge of the world, I’d change
God is not just because He acts justly. God IS justice!! Therefore, all His actions are just. We must look at the actions of God, to establish what Biblical justice is. We can not establish a human definition for justice, and then try to shove God’s actions into that definition. If we really believe that God is the apex of justice, it will make a world of difference how we respond to the events of life. A proper belief of God’s Justice will also make a vast difference how and what we do in life. In the last lesson, I pointed to one aspect of our lives that would change dramatically, if we really believed and had confidence in the Justice of God. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 If we truly believe that God is totally Just, we will demonstrate an attitude of thanksgiving, instead of bitterness to the events of life. Romans 2:3 Please note! These are actions of God. It is from these and many other actions of God, recorded in His Word, that we can know Who God is. One problem we humans have with the Justice of God, is that our interest seems more directed to the "manner" in which justice is carried out, RATHER than justice being carried out to its proper end. This attitude is demonstrated in criminal court cases, because most are decided on technicalities rather that the fact of criminal action. This attitude towards true justice is totally natural. It is at the very center of humanity. A fact we will see as we study the human soul. Refresh your thinking about that first human sin, and their response to God’s Justice, even back when mankind was fresh from the creative hand of God. Genesis 3:11 Both, Adam and Eve, acted on the basis of their volition given by God, BUT God did not coerce, force and even influence them to act in this manner. They acted contrary to the direct command of God, therefore God must act in justice. In
Genesis 3:11 Let’s move on in our study of the Essence of God to the aspect of God’s Essence called "LOVE". First we must establish what we mean by love. We live in a world where the term "love" can mean almost any thing, like:
Of course, we evangelicals have the Greek! Therefore, we know what the term "love" means. Right?? Well, let’s look at the lexicon definition of love. The Old Testament speaks often of love. An example is… Deuteronomy 6:5 In the old Testament, the main Hebrew word translated to English as "love" is…
The New Testament has a great deal to say about love. Look at some of those references. John 3:16 John 15:13 Mark 12:29 There are two main Greek words in the New Testament translated to the English word "love". There are several different structures of these two Greek words, but the base meaning is the same.
This base Greed word is used in other forms such as…
Of course, there is the Greek word we’re all familiar with and is the standard bearer of Biblical love. That Greek word is…
The definition of "agape" or "agapao" is kind of a let down, isn’t it? You would think that the word we put on T-shirts, bumper stickers, and as part of church names, etc., would have more pizzazz! It is important to remember that the Holy Spirit uses common words of human language to explain very uncommon Biblical truths. The Holy Spirit takes common words, and by the Biblical use and actions connected with those words, He establishes a far greater and deeper meaning than their common use in human language. Therefore, to have an understanding of Divine Love, we must establish a definition based on the actions of God, throughout the entire Word of God. Even searching Greek literature throws very little light on the distinctive meaning and use of agape in the New Testament. The Holy Spirit uses agape to express ideas previously unknown. Illustration… John 13:34 A great Greek scholar of generations past gave us some insights into the use of the Greek words for love in the New Testament. Please allow me to give a summary with some edits and additions of what W.E. Vine wrote in his Word Studies of New Testament Greed Words. Agape and agapao are used in the NT to: (1) Describe the attitude of God toward-- (a) His Son --
John 17:26 (b) The human race --
John 3:16 (c) Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ --
John 14:21 (d) Etc. (2) Convey His will to His children concerning their attitude-- (a) Toward one another --
John 13:34 (b) Toward all men --
1 Thessalonians 3:12 (c) Etc. (3) Express the essential nature of God --
1 John 4:8 We can only know what Divine love is by observing the actions it prompts. God's love is seen in the gift of His son. 1 John 4:9 This was obviously not a love spawned from some emotional feelings or from a desire for self-satisfaction. This was not a love awakened because of some quality of excellence in the ones (us) to whom that love was directed. Romans 5:8 This divine love was an action of God because of a deliberate choice. This choice of God to love was made without any condition of proper response from the ones who were loved. This divine love was not motivated by some benefit God might receive, but simply because it is God’s nature to love. Remember, God cannot act according to one aspect of His nature (such
as love) without that aspect being in perfect harmony with all other aspects of His nature (such as justice).
Divine Love had its perfect expression among men in the person of the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2:4 Well, look at that! Don’t miss it!! God can only act in "mercy" because of His great "love". We have already seen that God can’t act in "love" until His "justice" has been satisfied. Remember, God can not act in one aspect of His essence without being in perfect harmony with all other aspect of His essence. Have you heard that before? That fact is one of the highest hurdles that must be cleared to have an understanding of God’s person and His actions. This will become clearer and clearer the further we move into this study. Ephesians 3:19 Ephesians 5:2 True Christian love is not an emotion, it is instead the fruit of His Spirit. True Christian love is not spawned in the nature of mankind, BUT IS the nature of God and becomes a reality in the life of Believer through the Holy Spirit, as we obey the Word of God and Worship the person of God. Galatians 5:22 John 15:10 1 John 2:5 1 John 5:3 Christian love must have God as its primary object and that love is first expressed in implicit obedience to God’s Word.
John 14:15 John 14:21 John 14:23 2 John 1:6 Self-centeredness is the negation of our love for God and the negation of the expression of God’s love, through us, to others. We looked at that subject in our last lesson on Sunday Night. A true story illustrates this sacrificial love, on a human plane. A father took his eight year daughter and his five year old son, we’ll call Brad, to the mall because he needed to buy some tools at Sears. When they pulled into the mall parking lot, there was a big sign that said, "Petting Zoo." Immediately the kids started bouncing up and down and asked, "Can we go, Daddy? Can we? Please!" Seeing that it would be no trouble at all, and concluding that it might even make his trip quicker, the father said, "Sure", and handed both of his kids a quarter. They bolted away, as he headed for Sears. A few minutes later, he was making his way down an aisle when he spotted his daughter slowly walking up behind him. She looked up at him and said, "Well, Daddy, it cost fifty cents. So, I gave Brad my
quarter". Then she said the most beautiful thing of all. She repeated their family motto,
"Love is action!" They stood by the fence watching Brad go crazy petting and feeding the animals. His daughter stood with her chin in her hands resting on the fence, just watching. Daddy could feel fifty cents in his pocket, almost burning a hole, but he never offered it, and she never asked for it. She was following through with the family lesson. Love is not just an action. Love is a sacrificial action. By the way, one reason we AND our children do not walk according to what we are taught, is LACK of consistency. Love always pays a price. Love always costs something. Love is expensive. When you love, Its benefits enhances another’s account. My love is for you, not for me. Love gives, it doesn’t grab. There was another day and another Father Who allowed His Son to go to anything but a petting zoo. God the Father allowed His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to go to Calvary. There His Son cried out, "My God! My God! Why have your forsaken me?" The answer was simply put in
John 3:16 Will you respond or spurn this Divine love? |
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 2005 |