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Redemption | Introduction to the Soul | Lesson 1 |
Activities Manchaca Bible Fellowship |
2 May 2004 | Bible Lessons Operation Outreach |
We have been looking at the redemption of Israel from slavery in Egypt, which is a picture or shadow of our Spiritual redemption form the slavery of sin. It was nice of God to provide Redemption for any human who would receive it, but WHY did He need to go to so much trouble?? After all He is God, and God can do anything He wants to. Right? So why didn't He just forgive all the sins and get it over with? Why did God spend so much time developing such an elaborate program filled with promises, that involved the Second Person of the Trinity incarnate in human form and dying on the cross? Those are good questions, but those questions only deal with one aspect of redemption, that of being redeemed from the slavery of original sin. Redemption also has to do with freedom from personal sin that keeps many Christians bound by its powers. Listen to Paul's account of his personal struggle with this dominating power of sin. Romans 7:14 Notice that Paul, twice, puts his finger on the
underlying problem of slavery to personal and daily sin.
Once in
Romans 7:17 21 I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. 22 For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. 24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 I thank God - through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. Paul goes on in
Romans 7:21 Therefore in desperation, Paul cried out, Paul points out, that within his own power, this situation was hopeless. However, the Believer can be free through Jesus Christ, Who provided Redemption from both the original sin we were born with, AND this personal sin that constantly dogs us every moment of life, defeating us Spiritually and enslaving us to evil. Most of us can remember the joy and relief when we accepted Christ as our Savior, and had His Redemption applied to our original sin. However, after that day of Salvation, many know nothing but struggles with and defeats by the sin that is in their members. The purpose of God's Redemption was not simply to save us from the penalty of sin, which is eternal separation from God in the Lake of Fire. Yes, God wants each of us to experience that salvation, BUT He wants SO MUCH more for each who have become a part of His Redemption. John 10:10 In spite of God's purpose and provision, many cry with the Apostle Paul, "but how to perform what is good I do not find" "O wretched man that I am!" Many Christians, in an effort to achieve this freedom from personal slavery to sinning, often turn to the religious clichés such as: "hang in there", "turn it over to Jesus", "do the best you can, God will do the rest", etc. Far too many Christians are so desperate that they are turning to what I call "Religious Spiritism". They try to achieve a certain "feeling" through emotions, whether in song, in prayer, spoken word, etc. HOWEVER, once the feeling wears off, they must go back for another fix of "Religious Spiritism". There is nothing wrong with feelings, but the feelings should come as a result of freedom from sin, NOT as a means to obtain that freedom. Some become so defeated in this process, that they redefine what is right and wrong. Then equipped with their own definition of right and wrong, they declare their actions right, even though they are blatantly contrary to the clear declaration of the Word of God. The Word of God is clear as to what is right for a Believer and what is wrong. Not only does the Word declare what we should and shouldn't do, it shows us how to do what we should, and how to avoid what we shouldn't. Sad to say, if we don't follow the Biblical prescription in these matters, we will do that which is wrong, and very seldom do that which is right. Ephesians 4:17 Most personal sins are practiced while climbing the "corporate ladder" of the religious world. The world says that if you want to succeed, you must become prominent, so elevate yourself, no matter what it takes. Some Christians bring this "corporate ladder" into the Spiritual realm. Therefore, instead of putting off the "old man",
they are literally elevating the "old man". They
have gone "past feeling" and have "given
themselves over" (
Ephesians 4:19 Ephesians 4:25 The Scriptures are pretty clear about what the Believer should and should not do in regards to sin. Following the clear teaching of the Word of God is not legalism!! IT IS OBEIDENCE !! In this passage, most of the attention is directed to our relationship with other Believers. There are instructions concerning other areas, but most have to do with how we respond and interact with others of like precious faith. In these passages, we are clearly instructed to do certain things and not to do certain things. However, in the text of these passages, we are not given many instructions as to HOW we are accomplish these tasks. Therefore, we are still faced with the searching question that Paul raised in Romans, "but how to perform what is good I do not find". Many Christians become When God gives a command, he always gives the power and instructions to follow that command. The problem is NOT with God's instructions or lack of instructions. The problem is OUR lack of understanding and use of God's instructions. Too many of us think of God's instructions as similar to the "help menu" on a computer program. We think that we should be able to simply type in a question and the answer pops-up. God's Word is not a index of problem solving answers. God's Word is a progressive revelation of God's Person and His program. The Bible is not an answer book, it is the ANSWER!! The Bible is the living word or expression of God, Himself. It is called food, and as we continue to feed on its totality, we are nourished by it, and are able to partake or draw upon God's divine nature. Any part of the Word of God is valuable and good for us Spiritually. However, if we are desirous of knowing and living God's will for our lives, then we must have a clear grasp on the totality of the Word. Let's continue to look at the Holy Spirit's instructions to Born Again Believers as to their manner of living. Ephesians 4:31 The problem still remains -- "but how to perform what is good I do not find". Now that is where the examples and shadows of Israel in the wilderness come in. 1 Corinthians10:5 The Holy Spirit not only gave us instructions of what to do, He gave us examples of how to and how not to do them. However, these examples become of greatest value when they are compared with all other Spiritual information in the Word of God. 1 Corinthians 2:13 So let's begin to compare those examples and instructions so as to develop a clear picture of:
![]() We need to start at the beginning, and we will end up in the Book of Revelation and eternity future. In the beginning God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit created. Genesis 2:7 The strange looking figure to the left will be our symbol of the Body of mankind. To understand why we can or can't appropriate God's Redemption on a daily basis, we must understand a little of how God made mankind, and the purpose for which each aspect of creation was intended. We also must understand what happened to all aspects of that creation, because of sin. Then we must establish what God provided in His Redemption for our daily living, so we can live above sin, and also just how to access and appropriate that daily provision. God formed our body, or our "Soul House" from the lowest or base elements of creation. He formed the body from the "dust of the ground". As you can see from my great art work, God, wanted us to have a perfect body, so He must have given Adam a shinning head, not encumbered with hair. So as you can see, I am striving to achieve that perfect body, or at least a perfect head!?!? Back to reality. God formed the body from the "dust of the ground". This in no way takes away from that marvelous marvel called a body. Only God could take a hand full of dirt and make a body with all its wonders. Making the body from the dust, does point out that even before sin, the body was made a little lower than the angels. The Bible says that all created elements will pass away. All those created elements are temporary. The body, created by God, was intended to be a temporary dwelling place for the soul, even before sin. The soul, as we will see, was not made from any created elements. The soul of mankind was breathed from God into that body made of the created elements of the dust. Therefore, we have the two, the temporary body and the eternal soul as one unit. There are many wonderful aspects of the body medically, chemically, etc. Very few of these aspects will be of any great interest as to Redemption and its reality in our daily living. However, there were five gifts of God to the Body that are of great interest when it comes to daily Redemption. Those area are:
None of the five are absolutely necessary for the existence of the body. There are many people who do not have the use of one or more of these five and do quite well physical. Sometimes those without the use of some of these gifts live "better" than we who have the use of all of them. However, these five gifts of God provide many benefits, not the least, the enjoyment of life around us. As we will see later, these five are essential to the growth and development of the soul. It is through the five gifts of God that we take in information to feed the soul. It is through these five gifts of God that we express, to others, God's love or our selfishness. When that marvel of God's Own making was completed, He, Personally, breathed "life" into that Body. It was not just physical life that was breathed, for we know from both science and the Bible that the life of the flesh is in the blood. The breath of God made that body a living (eternal) being, or we will refer to this living being as the soul. From Scripture, we learn that the soul is capable of many things. In our study we will concentrate on six of these capabilities.
![]() We will look more closely at these six capabilities later in our study. For now, we need to see that the first humans were able to fellowship directly with God. There was nothing between God and mankind to prevent complete fellowship. God had just finished the six days of re-creation and everything was good. Genesis 1:4 Genesis 1:10 Genesis 1:12 Genesis 1:18 Genesis 1:21 Genesis 1:25 Genesis 1:31 Genesis 2:17 ![]() There was nothing wrong with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because all that God had made was good. The wrong came about through disobedience to God's clear word. When that disobedience took place, Adam and Eve not only died Spiritually (separated from their source of life), they became slaves to a human nature. Before sin, they could only do good, now they can do nothing of Spiritual quality. Jeremiah 17:9 Proverbs 17:20 Proverbs 21:4 Proverbs 21:2 Sin seeks to be secretive or to stay under cover, until it has gained a following. This will be a valuable lesson to examine, as this study progresses. Let's simply establish that fact in closing this lesson. Genesis 3:8 John 3:20 Genesis 6:5 Genesis 11:4 |
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 2004 |