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28 March 2004 | Bible Lessons Operation Outreach |
A Poem For Parents
Author unknown
There are little eyes upon you, And they are watching night and day; There are little ears that quickly Take in every word you say. There are little hands all eager To do everything you do; and a little girl who's dreaming Of the day she'll be just like you. You're the little gal's idol; You're the wisest of the wise; In her little mind, about you No suspicions ever rise. She believes in you devotedly, Holding all you say and do. She will say and do in your way When she's grown up like you. There's a wide-eyed little gal Who believes you're always right; And her ears are always open, And she watches day and night. You are setting an example Every day in all you do; For the little girl who's waiting To grow up to be just like you. Psalms 127:3 Having children is ONLY the beginning of Christian parenting, AND is probably the easiest part of the "ministry of parenting". Yes, I did say "ministry of parenting"
Parenting, like so many other ministries, has gone "modern". After all, we need to keep up with the times. I hate to break this startling fact, BUT this ministry of parenting is the oldest of all activities, even older than self preservation. The rules for this ministry have NOT changed since the ministry was instituted by God. Genesis 1:27 Please note that mankind had JUST been created. (1) No instructions had been
given. They hadn't done ANYTHING, yet. They were still "lying" on the creation table --- OR wherever they were, fresh from the hand of God. The point we need to see is that their "docket was clean". There were no entries in their "PDAs". They hadn't even been issued a "Day Planner", yet. I don't know if they even knew that this was the 6th day of creation. So, with that clearly in our minds, we want to see the very first task that God gave to mankind. At birth, the first thing the doctor does (so I'm told) is to whack the kid on the behind, or some facsimile thereof. I can't speak to the veracity of such facts, because I don't remember my birth day, even though I was there. I probably cried as soon as I could, JUST to avoid the proverbial whack. If the first thing after birth is a "whack" on the behind so the child will cry, maybe the first thing after creation is a "pat" on the head. I don't know! It's just a thought.., for what it's worth. I don't know about the sequence of mankind's creation, but I do know that the first thing God did for humanity, after creation, was to "bless" them (pat them on the head?). The next thing God did, for mankind, was to give them their first instructions. The very first command of God, to humans, had to do with parenting. Genesis 1:28 Being fruitful and multiplying, is certainly the first step of parenting, and if you multiply, you will "parent" even if you don't know how After God gave the initial instructions concerning parenting, THEN He then gave them instructions concerning vocation and eating. Genesis 1:28 This all took place on the 6th of creation, before Adam had even had his first meal. I would assume from this account, that God thought the ministry of parenting was somewhat important. I started this study with a statement and a passage of Scripture. Please read both, once again. Then let's spend a little time with the passage, and some related subjects. Having children is Psalms 127:3 Some have wrongly used this passage The passage dose not say that simply having a lot of children, is a blessing. Please understand that the flip-side is not: That having a lot of children is a curse, because that is not necessarily so. Although some might have other ideas on the "curse" aspect about the time their kids turn teenagers!?! Having children is "doing just what come naturally", and this passage is talking about doing something that is anything but the status-quo of being natural. Yes, there is more, much more to Christian parenting than just giving birth. There seems to be a pseudo-christian philosophy that, "If I have 'em, God will raise 'em to be good Christian men and women...." That pie in the sky non-Biblical pipe dream does not hold water. Let's look at a few verses that clearly establish this fact. We will limit our looking to a few verses in Proverbs, but there are many more that bring out the fact that kids do not usually turn out good, on their own, EVEN though the parents have "given" their children to Lord. The Lord gave instruction and will help you in the parenting process, BUT God will not remove your responsibility and assume that responsibility, SO you can have a free ride. Proverbs 19:26 Proverbs 29:15 Proverbs 10:1 Proverbs 15:20 Proverbs 30:11 Certainly the Scriptures are not a presentation of hopelessness for the parent, but they do establish that this opportunity and this great task is not just a breeze and a snap, to be taken lightly. Children that "make it" Spiritually Proverbs 23:22 If you have a family of "WISE CHILDREN", what a delight and joy. Even if you have one out of the whole batch who is wise, its a blessing. Wisdom is not in the genes, my
friend! Wisdom does not come to fruition by "doing what come naturally". Nor is wisdom
found in things, pleasures
or the knowledge of this world. With those things in mind,
let's go back to our passage in
Psalms 127 Psalms 127:3 There is not enough time in one lesson to properly cover the truths of this passage. Please, allow me to point out a few very important truths taught here, and expanded throughout the Scriptures. The "key" to understanding what the Holy Spirit is presenting in this passage centers around one word. "LIKE" Psalm 127:4 Easily understood is the
declaration of
v.3 However, simply having your "quiver full" of kids does not necessarily make a man happy. Do I hear a protest? "BUT that is what the Bible says!"
I'm sorry that is not what the
Bible says, that is what some have
said the Bible says. To understand
what the Bible says, we must understand "like" of
v.4 Please allow me to give these verses a little different arrangement, which will do no damage to the original, BUT will take them from the Hebrew poetry form, and put them in the common language of Americaneze Then I think you will see what the passage is saying, without me saying another thing. But of course that is not going to happen, because I'm supposed to say things, lots of things. So I will do what I'm supposed to do. Psalms 127:5 As we have already seen in several other passages, AND there are lots more that tell us that a child, unlike an arrow in the hand of warrior, does not always bring happiness, BUT can instead generate great sorrow. We will only have time for a few highlights from this passage. I might add that those going to the men's retreat will have the opportunity to see even more wonderful highlights from this and other Scriptures. First of all, this was a I know it is difficult to direct your thinking back to a time of warfare using bows and arrows. If you can't make that transition, think of it in the setting of modern warfare. By using the modern setting, it will lose some of its color but when you see the "big" picture, then you can go back to the bow and arrow "thing". In the modern armed forces, we have: (1) Those in training or boot
camp. An ace fighter pilot is one who has been in combat, been shot at and has personally shot down at least 5 enemy planes. Whether it be a pilot, a foot solider, a sailor or whoever, a person of that quality would be considered a "warrior", in the sense of our passage. A solider using the bow and arrow, in the day and age of our passage, was confronted with many things, not the least was his arrows. Each arrow had to be made by hand, and handmade arrows are each different. The warrior of Psalms knew that when his life depended on it and the nations survival was in the balance, he had to know and have the "feel" of each of his arrows. There are many factors involved in hitting the target consistently with a bow and arrow. I have a little understanding of that, because I used to teach archery. I even hit the target once. When I taught archery, we worked with machine made arrows. Those arrows were all the same, and all had virtually the same balance. Here is where this passage comes alive.
The arrows of our passage were all handmade, all different and all had different balance. When a soldier took an arrow, he MUST know, by the "feel" of the arrow, whether it would shoot: (1) Straight That was one of the factors that distinguished a warrior from just a good solider. The purpose of an arrow was not for show, it was not to impress the neighbors, it wasn't the center of a good time. You didn't dump all your arrow on the table, and play pick-up-sticks. The purpose I could stop right there, because a word to the wise should be sufficient. However, not questioning your "wiseness", but let's continue and put a little more meat on this frame. The Spiritual "happiness" a person has from their offspring starts with the fact that the parent is FIRST a "warrior". Parenting is not for amateurs!!! YOU As a parent, you must be battle worn and battle wise. That means knowing the battle plan, and being tested in the plan enough so that it becomes second nature, and so you will respond in a proper manner when under pressure. In the past few lessons, we have been talking about being equipped properly to endure the pressure when it comes. If you don't remember the lessons, please go back and read the text or get the CDs. A soldier can not become a warrior, by ONLY studying the battle plan. A warrior should know the battle plan. However, a soldier ONLY becomes a warrior on the battle field under the pressure of battle. A soldier ONLY becomes a warrior through proper, heroic and consistence response on the battle field, over and over again. The warrior, in our passage, is a picture or an example of what the parent should be. Parents, how do you "stack-up" to the task of being a warrior? Not so good? Maybe you need a drill sergeant. Drill sergeants are good at molding attitudes and actions so they will be compatible with the battle field, and the plan of action. Parents if you want this happy Spiritual situation with your children, in which they are not a disappointment and are able to properly speak with their enemies in the gate without becoming one of them, THEN you must become a warrior. You must shape and balance your "arrow". It is highly unusual for an "arrow" to bring balance to itself. I'm sure that some are saying, "I'm not a warrior, and my children are half grown. Is all lost?" Ah, my friend! That is the marvel of God's grace!!! It is never too late to start becoming a warrior. You can't undo past actions and training, BUT there is always time to make a change and a difference. It is called repentance.
Please, keep in mind that warfare is NEVER a game, and is seldom pleasant. There are hours and hours of information in the Scriptures concerning being or becoming a proper warrior, but time will not allow us to go any further, we have over-stayed our time limit on this subject, already. Let's turn our attention to the arrows. Most warriors, worth their salt, would not trust anyone else to make their arrows. After all, their life depended on that arrow. By making their own arrows (children), they could build their preferred quality into each arrow. Not only could they control the quality of the arrow, they got to know that arrow. In that way, when they took an arrow from their quiver and placed it on the bow, they knew and had confidence in how that arrow would fly - straight, wobble, hook to left, right, up or down. Oh, yes we live in a different time!!! A time in which parents spend almost NO real quality time with their children, refining them for the battle. What time they do spend with their children is spent running them for one activity to another, and yelling at them all the way to hurry up or they will be late. Too often, the coach of the little league spends far more time shaping the attitudes of their children, than do the parents. Parents, please don't give away, to someone else, your God given privilege of finishing your "arrows", and please don't sell your children to something or someone just to gain pleasure and build ego. That dance lesson or the ball game will mean very On the other hand, that time spent in lessons and sports will mean something to them-bad attitudes they have seen in others, bad words they have learned from others, etc., etc., etc. Those things will, also, rob them of being with you AS a parent, NOT as a coach. All these things have some benefits, but to get these few benefits, you may have to give up things of greater value. The dumpster behind McDonalds has some good food in it, enough to feed several families, but I'm not sure that the little value gained from the dumpster is worth the loss of value to retrieve it. Please understand that games and lessons have value. However, times have changed so that if your child is in an organized type activity, your time, their time and their life belongs to that activity. As a Christian parent, any positives and negatives MUST be weighed carefully, in light of eternity. KIDS NEED PARENTS
Yes! Everything, to your child, is so important right now, and if the child doesn't get it right now-they will "just die", or they will be mortified before the whole world, or something - or some other dramatic thing. Parents!! Someone in the family needs to have a mature attitude concerning these things, and an eternal perspective of these actions. Someone the family need to be a parent and act with maturity. Don't fall into the same childish pattern as your shortsighted children. Being a shortsighted child is not an indication that they are of no or little value. It simply means they are a child and haven't learned how to prepare for the future. Don't become one in their shortsightedness, be a parent! God has given you that authority. Use it properly for the eternal benefit of you and your children. YOU will have to answer for your actions through the response of your children and/or by the judgment of God. Make sure that the time and effort spent will produce Spiritual and eternal results, NOT the opposite. KIDS NEED PARENTS
There is very little in dance lessons or ball games that is going to equip your child to stand with and yet against the enemies of their soul when you launch them into battle, on their own. Let me tell you something that will help your "arrow" (child), when it must be launched from you bow. I didn't have my father very long. He died when I was 11 years of age. Daddy was a country church preacher. Most of those churches could not pay him much, so he worked at anything that paid money and a lot things that didn't. That fact has had a lasting effect in my life, although I didn't know it at the time. The fact of his ministry and life is the single greatest reason I am in the ministry today. I didn't see my dad much. He was away making a living for us and the church. When he wasn't working, he was studying for three sermons each week. All that had an influence on my life, and there were many other things he did and said that shaped my thinking and my actions. Very few of those influential things were dramatic. They were simply Spiritual reality in action in daily living. However, there was one event that stands out in my mind, even to this day. That event happened at about this time of the year. Spring was "springing" quite well, and the wind was starting to blow just right for kites. Spring also meant that the farm work was starting, so daddy would now have some steady work through the summer. Just a little more background. My friend had a kite. A nice kite. So, I grabbed the Sears catalogue and began to page through the kite section. Yes, Sears did have a catalogue back then, and the catalogue had quite a kite section. Daddy was getting ready to go out to the farm to work for the day, and he ask what I was doing. To which I answered about my friend's kite. I had no illusions that we would order a kite from sears catalogue. We seldom if ever ordered anything from a catalogue except seeds for the garden. Daddy's response to my telling him about my friend's kite was, "Would you like a kite?" Would I?? He said to come on out to the work bench and he would show me how to make one. He did show me, but he didn't make it for me. NO one in the whole town had a kite like mine. I enjoyed my kite and many more that I made myself, and I made a few, a quite a few, for my friends. Yes, the kite was nice, but by dad took time that he could have been on the farm making money, to be with me. KIDS NEED PARENTS
Psalms 127:5 Let's finish off this passage, because we have another two hours of Scriptures, we need to look at. Well, we do need to look at those things, BUT we won't, because time is against us. If the warrior (parent) is what they should be and has done with the arrow (child) what needs to be done, then verse 5b tells us that the child will not be a disappointment to the warrior (parent). Also, they will be able to There is still a ton of "good stuff" in this passage, and we haven't even begun to compare it with all other Scriptures. If you want the truth of this passage in your life and the lives of your children, then you are going to have to make sure that every effort, every action, every hour of the day is dominated by the task of becoming a good and proper warrior. You will have to put aside the actions of pride, retribution and selfishness. 2 Timothy 2:1 Please Don't: Teach your children to be sophisticated or childish. Please Do: Teach your children to be "childlike" in Christ, by your example. |
© Clyde White, Austin TX, 2004 |